The presentation slides from the Year 11 Mock Support Evening held on Thursday 2nd November can be found here.
How to revise
As a school we want to support students and make sure they are using study strategies to support their revision, that work – based on educational research.
To do this, we are working with a group of cognitive psychologists from the USA, based in the University of Massachusetts, called ‘The Learning Scientists’ . They suggest six evidence informed approaches to studying, that can help students to revise:
Elaboration – explaining ideas in detail
Retrieval practice – practice ‘remembering’ what they have been taught
Spaced practice – spacing out your studying over time.
Dual coding – combining pictures and words to help you remember things.
Interleaving – switching between the topics that you study.
Concrete examples – using specific examples to understand abstract ideas.
Students and parents can download a booklet to give them more information about each strategy:
Subject Resources
Please note – If you cannot access the files from here or the download fails, please find the files on the pupil share under “Revision Resources”.
Year 11 News
Curriculum Spotlight Food Technology GCSE
Our year 11 GCSE students began the final year of their course with a 10-hour food investigation task where they were required to write a 1500-2000 report. This will make
Post 16 Careers Evening
Dear Year 11 Parents and Carers, This is a key term for your child as they start to plan the next steps on their education journey and we would like
Year 11
Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, I’d like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of our current year 11 students. The cohort have matured and thrived through their exam