Meet our Careers Team
Year 10 Work Experience 2024 Information
- Year 10 students with a confirmed place will be out from 5th – 8th February.
- Log books will be handed out in school on Friday 19th January. A digital copy can be found here: WEX Logbook 24
- This letter contains important final information for the parents and carers of all those going out: WEX Info Letter 24
- All students are due in school on Friday 9th February for Careers Day
- Please contact for support
- Students can visit careers at break times or after school
Year 11 Project College 2024 & Careers Evening
Work Experience 2024 Launch
Year 10 Summer Planning – Preparing for Project College
We would like all current Year 10 students to be considering their next steps after Year 11. We will launch Project College in September 2022 which will provide lots of information and a timeline of events. Students should think about what they learned during Careers Day in May along with the recent assemblies from GB Met and the Chichester College Group.
Here are some tips to get started…
- Consider what type of course/s you want to do, A-levels, Applied BTEC, Vocational, T-levels, Apprenticeships
- Consider what subject area/s you want to study
- Consider where you want to study
- Consider what you want your future to look like
- There are some amazing videos to work through from our partner Get Careers Confident. Click here to choose which ones to watch.
- Y11 Careers Evening will take place in school from 6pm on Thursday 15th September – Colleges and employers will be there to meet students and parents
Please contact Mr Henry in Careers if you have any questions.
View the full DHS Careers Programme
National Apprenticeship Week Resources
The careers library is open from 8:45 – 4:00 every day and we welcome students from all year groups who would like help, advice or guidance.
The careers library is located at the end of the art corridor on the first floor.
Some of things we can help with are:
- Exploring different careers based on your interests and best subjects
- Researching and applying for college or sixth form
- Researching and applying for apprenticeship vacancies
- Writing or refining a CV
- Using job search websites
- Taking a personality test to find matching careers
- Establishing the correct education path for specific careers
- Researching universities and their requirements
- Writing personal statements
- Preparing for a college or job interview
- Talking generally about how to choose a path.
We have an on-going commitment to ensure that all our students have access to good quality impartial careers advice, thereby ensuring that each student has the best possible foundation on which to base their future choices and pathways.
Each student has access to information in the careers library as well as our careers advisers, who offer impartial careers advice for Years 7-11, helping students with their choices. Whether these are selecting GCSEs, researching apprenticeships or making college and course choices, the department is there to help. Every Year 11 is seen by our careers advisers to make sure that they have explored all possible options before making their decision about their post-16 education.
Our careers team offer a wide range of activities and resources, which help our students make good informed decisions about their future as they progress through the school. Our careers library is fully resourced and is open to all students without appointment during break and lunchtimes.
The IT facilities include kudos, introduced in Year 9, a web based programme providing students with career, subject and college information. Another programme is Unifrog, a careers guidance tool which at all times maintains a comprehensive set of every university course, and every apprenticeship vacancy, in the UK. The benefit of being web based is that these programmes can be used at home by the students / parents & carers. Students will only be able to access these sites by a product code only available from the careers team.
Read the latest careers newsletter here – DHS Careers Newsletter Autumn 2021.
Year 11 Careers Evening Follow Up
Thank you to everyone who attended the Y11 careers evening. We have had so much positive feedback from exhibitors, students and parents. Please watch this short Loom to hear the connected talk from our careers leader Mr Henry. This explains the process that students need to follow to move on in September.
Other useful links and resources regarding the transition to college.
July 2021 Y10 Careers Prep Letter from Mr Henry
See below for all link mentioned in the letter:
Video – Mr Henry – Careers Leader Intro to Year 10 preparation lessons
Video – Level 3 Pathways hosted by Worthing College
Video – Vocational Pathways hosted by GB Met College
Video – Apprenticeship Pathways hosted by Chichester College
Year 10 Info Booklet – All students have received or will shortly receive a physical copy. A quick reference guide to colleges, different course features and apprenticeships.
Year 10 Getting Prepared Worksheet – All students have received or will shortly receive a physical copy. A sheet to help them jot down ideas about the pros and cons of each course style.
Further Resources:
Get Careers Confident How-To Videos – A treasure trove of videos covering all sorts of topics to help students and parents think about careers and pathways
Get Careers Confident See-To-Be Videos – A brilliant way to explore job ideas, hear real people talk about them and get inspired
Get Careers Confident Sussex – A guide to all the options in Sussex ranging from College to training centres to apprenticeships
Prospects Website – A great website for exploring job sectors
What Next Guide – A guide for parents and carers to help young people make good informed choices
We also have a new Careers Hub filled with resources for students and parents to access so please take a look.
Transition to College Leaflet – Useful information for year 11 students headed to college in September.
Apprenticeships Online Workshops
In March our careers team ran two online workshops exploring apprenticeships. Yo can watch the recordings here. If you have any questions please contact the team on
You can read out latest Careers Newsletter with news and updates from the DHS careers team, along with some amazing opportunities for students and parents to get engaged with volunteering and work experience, here.
Apprenticeship Vacancies
New vacancies are advertised on the National Apprenticeship Website,, Amazing Apprenticeships – parent information and on Facebook
LMI Data
Labour market information covers all data that is gathered and compiled regarding employment and workforce. The purpose is to help people make informed decisions about all aspects of career and education planning. Reports for the UK are produced throughout the year and feature national as well as regional segments.
Tracking our Careers Programme
The impact of the careers programme is measured and assessed regularly to inform its outcomes and development using the following methods.
- Feedback is requested after major events aimed at participant groups including students, parents and externals where applicable
- Future skills questionnaire are sent out to students at key transition points, starting secondary, transition to KS3, GCSE Years and Post 16 Study
- Student destination data (where they move onto) is gathered and analysed to track the range of destinations
- Tracking student assessment and effort grades where careers team intervention takes place
- Tracking the careers programme on Compass+, to monitor it against Gatsby benchmarks
Careers News
TeenTech Sussex Festival 2023
The Computer Science department took 24 year 9 students to the TeenTech Festival 2023 at the AMEX Stadium in Brighton. Following up from their virtual event two weeks ago, this
Y11 Post 16 Planning for September 2024 Entry
Dear Parents and Carers As your child begins the last year of their Durrington journey we want to help make the transition to their next destination as smooth as possible.
Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day
Dear Parent/Carer Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day There are still some spaces available for the Worthing College taster half days on Thursday 6th July. Some sessions are full