Work for 16th March

Work for 16th March

Below is the work for Y7, 8 and 10 students to work through today online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed. English Maths Science 7 Go to Oak Academy and complete the lessons linked below. Lesson One:Lesson: Past simple […]

Work for 2nd March

  English Maths Science 7 Open the link below and read through the information.Complete all the tasks.Complete the test at the end to see how well you have done and what you need to focus on getting better at. a non-fiction book for 30 minutes.  Log on to SPARX maths: complete the EP boost aand/ […]

Strike Day Work – 1st February

Below is the work for Y8, 9 and 10 students to work through today online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed. Y7 need to be in school for 9.15am and Y11 at 8.45, for a 9.10 exam start.

Dear Parents/carers,

Firstly thank you for your continues patience and support as we manage this changing situation.  We have reviewed the current levels of staffing absence and need to put in place now for further adaptations to timetables over the coming days.  Our plan as of this afternoon is as follows: Tuesday 13th:    Year 10: to remain […]

Urgent update: Monday 12th December

Apologies for the very short notice however we have significant staff illness/absence today. Even with cover staff we are unable to cover a reasonable number of scheduled lessons and hence we are needing to move year 9 and 10 to remote learning today. This means that year 9 and 10 students should not attend school today […]

Fortnightly Update – 21st October 2022

It hardly seems possible that half a term has passed already!  We have been so proud of how hard our students have been working in and out of lessons, since they returned to school in September.  Your support with this, and in particular in ensuring your child has excellent attendance, has been invaluable and we’d […]

Fortnightly Update – 30th September 2022

It’s been a busy two weeks since we last contacted you with an update about what’s happening here at Durrington. Our students have been working incredibly hard during lessons, the BBC and a professional actor came to visit and our extra curricular clubs and activities continue to go from strength to strength. As well as […]

Queen Elizabeth II – 1926-2022

We are all saddened by the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.  Throughout her 70 year reign as monarch, she unswervingly demonstrated our values of kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride. A true inspiration and role model to so many of us. We will always be honoured by her visit to Durrington High School […]

Durrington Students Excel

Durrington High School’s students have bucked national trends this summer achieving exceptional results in their GCSE examinations, including the core subjects of English and mathematics. An unprecedented 84% of students passed English and 82% passed mathematics, not only surpassing 2019 results when examinations last took place but also 2020 and 2021 when teacher awarded grades […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.