Start of school Autumn term 2024

Start of school Autumn term 2024

2nd & 3rd September are Inset days Wednesday 4th September phased start day for all students Year group (as of September 2024) Timing of the day New year 7 cohort Arrival by 8.40am.  Students will be met at the front of school and guided to meet their new form class/teacher. Finish: students will be dismissed […]

Transition Day

Dear Parents/Carers, We are really excited to have your child join us on Wednesday, and just wanted to update you with some final information for the day. As in previous communication, the day will begin at 8.50am and end at 2.15pm. Students will be dismissed from the front of school. Students should wear their current […]

Transition Dates

Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome you to The Durrington High School Community! This year, we are working hard to ensure our Year 6s get the best possible transition to high school and hope to meet as many of the children as possible before September. With summer term now well underway, we wanted to give you an update […]

Coffee mornings- New starters

Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, we would like to welcome you to the Durrington High School Community. We are acutely aware that starting high school can be a big change, not only for children but for parents/carers too! With that in mind, and with the new academic year fast approaching, we will be holding an informal drop-in […]

Work for 7 July

Below is the work for Y7, 8, 9 and 10 students to work through today online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed.     English Maths Science 7 Read a fiction book for 30 minutes. Write a review of […]

Student work for 5th July

Below is the work for Y7, 8. 9 and 10 students to work through online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed.   English Maths Science 7 Examining different text types – BBC Bitesize Open the link above. Watch the […]

Work for 2 May 2023

Work for 2 May 2023 Below is the work for Y7, 8. 9 and 10 students to work through online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed.   English Maths Science 7 How to respond to poetry guide for KS3 […]

Work for 27th April

Work for 27th April Below is the work for Y7, 8. 9 and 10 students to work through online.  This will support the work they have been doing in school.  A reminder that this work will not be marked or assessed. English Maths Science 7 How to respond to poetry guide for KS3 English students […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.