Apologies for the very short notice however we have significant staff illness/absence today. Even with cover staff we are unable to cover a reasonable number of scheduled lessons and hence we are needing to move year 9 and 10 to remote learning today. This means that year 9 and 10 students should not attend school today but should work from home. Again, apologies for the very short notice.
Work will be set on google classroom for all classes. A parent/carer guide is here. Please keep an eye on your email, the school website and social media for updates regarding tomorrow (we hope to be fully open again). We appreciate your patience and consideration at this challenging time.
A student guide to remote learning via Google classroom is here: https://support.itservices.dmat.education/support/solutions/articles/43000564219-how-to-use-google-classrooms-students-
Mr C.Woodcock and Mr S.Allison