Inspiring Students to Aim High with Worthing College’s Aspire Programme

Inspiring Students to Aim High with Worthing College’s Aspire Programme

On Tuesday 18th May we were delighted to welcome Steven Foden from Worthing College into school to speak to year 11 students headed to Worthing College in September about their Aspire Programme. We have many ambitious and talented students at Durrington High and our careers team ensures the carefully constructed careers programme throughout their time […]

DHS students enjoy taking part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Sir Captain Tom Moore inspired millions just over a year ago, when he walked 100 laps of his garden and raised almost 39 million pounds for the NHS. At a time when people were grappling with the restrictions of a National lockdown he offered hope and positivity on a grand scale that the Nation embraced […]

Team Durrington take on the KAPP Aspiration Challenge

In the first half of the spring term students and staff at Durrington High School were invited to take part in an Aspiration Challenge. With the school closed to the majority of students and the country in a national lockdown, the challenge aimed to offer students the chance to engage with curriculum areas outside of […]

Year 11 Update

Dear parents/carers and year 11 student, Re: Year 11 – Welcome back and next steps… We have been delighted to welcome back all of our year 11 students this week; it has been a long wait for us all!  We thank you again for all the support you have given with their school work throughout […]

Royal Academy of Art Young Artists’ Summer Show

Calling all of our AMAZING #TeamDurrington young artists! The Royal Academy is inviting submissions from young artists to take part in their Young Artists’ Summer Show.  The Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 5 – 19 studying in the UK and British schools overseas. Artworks are judged by […]


Dear Parent/Carer We are really excited to share with you and your son/daughter the details of our upcoming #TeamDurrington Aspiration challenge for this half term. For the 4 week period commencing from 15/01/2021, we are launching a campaign for students to work towards gaining their aspiration badge remotely. Last term saw so many students making  […]

Delight at Durrington High as brand-new world-class sports facilities are open!

We are excited to announce that our fantastic new sports hall and courts are now complete and our students and the local community are able to benefit from these state-of-the-art facilities. Students have been enjoying using the sports hall since the end of November and are excited and in awe of the new addition to […]

First Seahorse award goes to…..

Year 11 student Billy Lambe is the first student to be awarded the KAPP seahorse; having received his bronze badges for kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride. This is a huge achievement, especially over such a short amount of time. Billy epitomizes our school values and we are incredibly proud of him. We also know that […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.