Best of the Best Exhibition

We are delighted that our Best of the Best Exhibition will be running at Colonnade House, 47 Warrick Street, Worthing from 13th -15th July. The exhibition showcases the incredible talents of our GCSE students and includes art, graphics and textiles work. You can find details here. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we were unable to […]
End of Term Update

Dear Parents/carers, We wanted to provide a brief update of some key information prior to the end of term. A further, more comprehensive update will be provided in the last week of term giving more details across a number of areas. Changes to national guidance/expectations – Covid 19 As of Monday 19th July, in […]
Year 7 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening

Dear Parents and Carers, Year 7 Parents /Carers Consultation Evening – Thursday 1 July 2021 We are pleased to be able to confirm that we will be holding our year 7 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening on Thursday 1 July 2021 between 4pm and 7:30pm. Due to the ongoing restrictions in place due the COVID 19 pandemic, […]
Inset day – 25th June

Dear Parents / Carers Reminder: Inset day 25th June 2021 I am writing to remind you that, as per our published dates, the school will be closed to students for INSET training day on Friday 25th June 2021. If you have a child in year 9 or year 10 (or both) please also be reminded […]
May Half Term Letter

28 May 2021 Dear Parents/Carers We are so proud of our amazing students, dedicated and brilliant staff team and you, our fantastic and supportive parents and carers. Together we have ensured a super successful half term, so thank you to all. Last week we said a fond farewell to our year 11s who are an […]
Year 8 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening

We are pleased to be able to confirm that we will be holding our Year 8 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening on Wednesday 16th June 2021 between 4pm and 7:30pm. Due to the ongoing restrictions in place due the COVID 19 pandemic, we will again be using video appointments through the School Cloud online system. This platform […]
DHS students delighted to return to after school clubs

This half term has seen the return of after school opportunities for all Durrington High students which has been fantastic. Years 7, 8 and 9 have been enjoying performing arts clubs. Year 7 have been exploring musical theatre, learning songs and script extracts from The Lion King whilst year 8 have been taking part in a […]
GCSE Music Student Emma Shares Her Fantastic Song ‘Colour’

At Durrington High School we love to celebrate the talents of our students and we are delighted when they share work and achievements that they are proud of with us, whether that is inside of school or outside. Year 11 student Emma Olsen did just that when she emailed her self-penned and composed song ‘Colour’ […]
Inspiring Students to Aim High with Worthing College’s Aspire Programme

On Tuesday 18th May we were delighted to welcome Steven Foden from Worthing College into school to speak to year 11 students headed to Worthing College in September about their Aspire Programme. We have many ambitious and talented students at Durrington High and our careers team ensures the carefully constructed careers programme throughout their time […]
Durrington High School Welcomes Paralympian David Hill as part of the Youth Sport Trust ‘Active in Mind’ Project

We are delighted to be taking part in the Youth Sport Trust project ‘Active in Mind’ which is funded through Sport England via the National Lottery. The idea of the programme is to increase levels of physical activity, and to provide a safe and supportive environment to improve the overall wellbeing of every child. This […]