Dear Parent/Carers,
Please find below details regarding the start to term. As normal this is staggered by year
group. Our new year 7 cohort have slightly different arrangements to all other students (detailed in
a separate email and also summarised in a paragraph below).
The first day for all students in years 8-11 will be Monday 5th September which is a shorter
orientation day. Full timetables will commence on Tuesday 6th September.
Please see below for year group specific timings on Monday 5th September

Please note that, with the exception of our new year 7, there will be no breaks/canteen service for
students in years 8-11 on Monday 5th September.
Other reminders (we appreciate you reading these carefully and sharing them with your child)
Students will:
• be expected to be in full school uniform and adhering to uniform/personal presentation
expectations from the start of term. If you need to check on what is/isn’t acceptable please
use the link here
• need their normal expected equipment (pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, reading book etc)
from Monday 5th September.
• need a suitable lock for their locker (if this is key operated a spare key can be stored with
their form tutor)
In the unlikely event your child is absent on Monday 5th September, normal notification processes
should be followed (pleas email or call 01903 705 644).
Please also be reminded that, at the end of the summer term, we moved to Arbor as our information
management provider. It would be very helpful (to you and us) if you could ensure your account is
ready and active (for reference/instructions please see the ParentMail sent on the 12th July).
Information specific to your new year 7 students.
Friday 2nd September
This will be year 7 orientation day with year 7 students arriving from 10.40am (in full school uniform)
ready for an 11am start. Students will finish the session and be dismissed at 1pm. Although there
will be no formal break, students are free to bring a drink/snack with them.
Monday 5th September
Year 7 students will need to arrive from 9.20am going straight to their form bases for a 9.30am
start. There will be a range of settling in activities for Year 7 students to take part in during the day
and from 12.35pm they will start their first lessons at Durrington. There will be a normal break and
lunchtime for Year 7 students with the Pavilion being open at both break and lunchtimes for
students to purchase food (via biometric payment). Year 7 students will finish at 3.10pm.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mr S.Allison & Mr C.Woodcock