Year 11 Parent / Carer Mock Exam Support Evening – Wednesday 3 November

Year 11 Parent / Carer Mock Exam Support Evening – Wednesday 3 November

Dear Parent / Carer Year 11 Parent / Carer Mock Exam Support Evening – Wednesday 3 November A key element of preparing our year 11 students for their GCSE examinations in the summer, is the mock examinations which they will sit during the period Monday 29 November – Wednesday 15 December 2021.  As well as […]

Durrington High Hosts Successful Careers Evening for Year 11 Students

After an enforced break last year due to COVID restrictions, we were delighted to be able to host our annual Careers Evening for year 11 students and their parents /carers again this year. The evening took place on Monday 27th September and provided an informative and inspiring evening for our students as they begin to […]

Year 11 Mock Results

Dear Parent/Carer I am delighted to inform you that your child will receive their Mock examination results this coming Wednesday 20 January. The sequence of events showing how this will happen is outlined in the table below. As we could not have the assembly as planned, myself and Mr Woodcock have recorded a message we […]

Update on remote teaching, January 2021

Dear parent/carer, Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support so far with remote learning.  I completely understand that this is a really challenging  time for us all, so everything that you have been doing to support and encourage your child during remote teaching has been greatly appreciated by our staff.  A very […]

Year 11 Letter

Dear Parent/Carer Last week there was a lot to take in. It was hard for us all to hear that Year 11 would not be returning this week and that GCSE exams in their usual format would not be happening in the Summer. Your ongoing support is invaluable and we are so proud of our […]

Year 11 Parents/Carers 8 January 2021

Dear parent / carer and Y11 students, We hope that you had a restful break, albeit a different one to usual and that you and your family are well. We fully appreciate the impact of this new extended lockdown on you, our students and family and will continue to do all that we can to […]