Durrington Students Excel

Durrington Students Excel

Durrington High School’s students have bucked national trends this summer achieving exceptional results in their GCSE examinations, including the core subjects of English and mathematics. An unprecedented 84% of students passed English and 82% passed mathematics, not only surpassing 2019 results when examinations last took place but also 2020 and 2021 when teacher awarded grades […]

August Letter

Dear Parent / Carer, I do hope that you are having a good summer. This is just a reminder of the start of term arrangements. The first day for the year 7s is September 2nd. Students will need to be in from 10:40am for a formal start at 11.00am. They should come to the front […]

Start of term arrangements

Dear Parent/Carers,Please find below details regarding the start to term. As normal this is staggered by yeargroup. Our new year 7 cohort have slightly different arrangements to all other students (detailed ina separate email and also summarised in a paragraph below). The first day for all students in years 8-11 will be Monday 5th September […]

Extreme Weather Update

During the heat wave we will be following guidance from the DfE and West Sussex and plan to remain open. We are fortunate to have a large and well ventilated building, so all children can be inside during break time and lunch time. If they wish to be outside, there are many shaded areas. Students […]

Hot weather – Message to Parent/Carers

Dear parent/carer, Due to the hot weather forecast this week we are adapting the uniform expectations for students:  Students will have the option to either wear either Their full school PE kit or Normal school uniform with no tie & blazer for the whole of this week. All students will be in PE kit on Friday […]

Year 10 Initial Letter to parents

Friday 8th April 2022 Dear Parents and Carers Year 10 Online Parents / Carers Consultation Evening – Thursday 12th May 2022 We are delighted to inform you that we will be holding our Year 10 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening on Thursday 12th May between 4:30pm and 7:30pm and this will take place virtually using the SchoolCloud […]

Getting Revision Going – 7th March

Dear Parents/Carers, Do you worry that your Yr11 child will struggle to settle into a steady pattern of revision? Did they do little or no revision before the mock exams?  Do they seem to struggle with motivation? Were they constantly avoiding starting or saying phrases like “I don’t know where to start/I’ll start tomorrow”? Were […]

Student uniform & personal presentation

As we near this first half term of 2022 we hope that the students are looking forward to a well-earned rest next week and that our year 11 students are both organised and ready to begin their first planned out week of GCSE revision (the program for which they have been organising within tutor time). […]

Year 9 Parents Evening

Dear Parents / Carers Year 9 Online Parents / Carers Consultation Evening – Wednesday 2nd March 2022 I am writing to inform you that the forthcoming Year 9 Parents / Carers Consultation Evening will take place virtually on Wednesday 2nd March 2022. This evening presents an excellent opportunity to engage with your child’s teachers and […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.