Music opportunities at DHS

Music opportunities at DHS

There are lots of opportunities for students to learn an instrument at DHS. It is a fantastic experience to learn a new skill and be creative in a fun and exciting way. Both SAM and West Sussex Music are passionate about providing education for children. More information can be found at West Sussex Music and Sussex […]

DHS Fortnightly update – 25th November 2022

We can’t believe next week we will be in December with all the excitement that it brings as part of the build up to Christmas.  As normal there’s been a huge amount going on across the school and it’s been fabulous to see so many students engaging with the opportunities staff have organised for them.  […]

Family support over the Christmas period

WSCC winter holiday activities and food for children #HAF2022 Children and young people aged 4 to 16 who are eligible for Benefits-related Free School Meals can take part in free clubs this winter holiday and enjoy a free nutritious meal as part of the scheme. Visit the WSCC website, on the link below, and enter […]

The Youth Mock Trial National competition

Congratulations to our fantastic year 10 and 11 students who competed in the Youth Mock Trial National competition this month. Students had to prepare and present three different legal cases in official law courts in front of a real judge. They competed against three other schools taking on the roles of barristers, jurors, witnesses and […]

An Inspector Calls at the Theatre Royal in Brighton

On Wednesday 16th November, the English department took 60 Year 11 students to see the award-winning Stephen Daldry production of An Inspector Calls at the Theatre Royal in Brighton. The students were intrigued by the iconic and unusual set design as well as being enthralled by one of their key GCSE Literature texts being brought to […]

Disney’s Frozen at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

Year 7 and 8 students were lucky enough to attend the performance of Disney’s Frozen at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.  Students’ behaviour was excellent throughout the trip and the performance was exceptional, a magical display of incredible set design, lighting and costumes with inspiring performances.  A truly unforgettable visit to London’s West End. 

GCSE Certificate Collection 2022

Dear Year 11 Leaver  GCSE Certificate Collection 2022 It gives me great pleasure to be able to invite you to Durrington High School on Thursday 24th November to collect your GCSE certificates and celebrate the successes of our ex students. The event will be held in the main hall and will run from 5:30pm – […]

Year 8 parents’ evening 8th December 4.00-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer Year 8 parents’ evening 8th December 4.00-7.30pm As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, all parent / carer evenings will go back to being face-to-face. We feel that there is so much more nuance in a face-to-face conversation and less room for misunderstanding, than in a quick web chat.  […]

Friday 18th November 2022 – Non-Uniform day in support of Children in Need 2022

Dear Parents / Carers, Friday 18 November 2022 – Non-Uniform day in support of Children in Need 2022 The school will be supporting Children in Need this November by holding a non-uniform day to raise money for such a worthwhile and long-established charity.  There are some excellent resources that explain the aims of the campaign […]

The importance of KAPP and the Durrington way by Callum Cummins

Callum Cummins in year 9 was awarded the platinum badge for kindness which was presented during the Senior Leadership Team meeting. As part of the award ceremony Callum gave a speech about the importance of KAPP and the Durrington way. “Hi, I’m Callum Cummins and I am going to talk about KAPP and how it’s […]