GCSE Certificate Collection 2022

GCSE Certificate Collection 2022

Dear Year 11 Leaver  GCSE Certificate Collection 2022 It gives me great pleasure to be able to invite you to Durrington High School on Thursday 24th November to collect your GCSE certificates and celebrate the successes of our ex students. The event will be held in the main hall and will run from 5:30pm – […]

Year 8 parents’ evening 8th December 4.00-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer Year 8 parents’ evening 8th December 4.00-7.30pm As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, all parent / carer evenings will go back to being face-to-face. We feel that there is so much more nuance in a face-to-face conversation and less room for misunderstanding, than in a quick web chat.  […]

Friday 18th November 2022 – Non-Uniform day in support of Children in Need 2022

Dear Parents / Carers, Friday 18 November 2022 – Non-Uniform day in support of Children in Need 2022 The school will be supporting Children in Need this November by holding a non-uniform day to raise money for such a worthwhile and long-established charity.  There are some excellent resources that explain the aims of the campaign […]

The importance of KAPP and the Durrington way by Callum Cummins

Callum Cummins in year 9 was awarded the platinum badge for kindness which was presented during the Senior Leadership Team meeting. As part of the award ceremony Callum gave a speech about the importance of KAPP and the Durrington way. “Hi, I’m Callum Cummins and I am going to talk about KAPP and how it’s […]

DHS Carol Service at St Andrew’s Church

Dear Parents / Carers, Staff and Governors Carol Service – St. Andrew’s Church, Tarring – Monday 12th December at 18:30 Our annual Carol Service will take place at St. Andrew’s Church, Tarring on Monday 12th December at 18:30. We would like to invite you to join with us in celebrating Christmas, our place in the […]

DHS Fortnightly update – 11th November 2022

What a team! We’ve heard some amazing stories about kindness within our community this week and we wanted to say a huge well done to each and every student who has recently earned a kindness badge. We have also been delighted to see just how many of our brilliant students have achieved KAPP recognition over […]

Meet the Author event

Durrington High School students are still chuckling after they got to meet Award Winning funny book Author, Simon James Green.  A group of students from the school’s book club got to meet the Award Winning author, who was the host of The 2022 Amazing Book Awards in summer. Readers had been looking forward to meeting […]