Exam Results
Summary of 2024 exam results | |
Achieving Basics (at 4+) in English and maths | 69% |
Achieving Basics (at 5+) in English and maths | 47% |
Achieving a 7+ in English | 21% |
Achieving a 7+ in maths | 19% |
Durrington High School Performance (Gov.uk)
*Teacher Assessed Grades
2024 Subject Results
*Teacher Assessed Grades
2023 Subject Results
*Teacher Assessed Grades
2022 Subject Results
*Teacher Assessed Grades
Attitude to learning descriptors
Grade awarded | Perseverance (Effort) | Homework |
1 Excellent | Your child: · Is self-motivated to succeed and shows a determination to get better, by seeking out and responding to feedback. · Takes great pride in their work · Shows high levels of perseverance even with challenging tasks · Shows a genuine interest in the task by actively participating in all tasks, thinking hard about questions and asking inquisitive questions themselves without prompting. | All homework completed with care, attention to detail. Some evidence of going beyond the task set so as to widen & deepen their learning. |
2 Good | Your child: · Has a positive attitude to learning shown by their consistent completion of classwork. · Responds to feedback given to them so as to improve their work. · Generally perseveres with their work even with challenging tasks. · Takes part in class discussion and questions when prompted to do so. | Homework is completed on time. Occasionally more time and care is needed to improve the quality of the work, but in general homework meets the expected standard. |
3 Room for improvement | Your child: · Completes classwork but at times the quality and/or quantity does not meet expectations. · Sometimes fails to take pride or care in the work they produce. · Responses to questions may often lack detail and clarity · Often makes little effort with or avoids challenging tasks. | Homework is inconsistent (either not handed in on time or often appears rushed/incomplete). More time and pride needs to be taken on their homework. |
4 Poor | Your child:
· Regularly fails to put in the necessary effort in lessons despite support from their teacher. · Regularly produces work which is limited in quality and/or quantity, and shows little pride in its presentation. · Is regularly involved in behaviour during lessons that disrupts the learning of others and/or themselves · Is making progress significantly below what is expected of them due to the above concerns.
| Homework is often not completed. If/when homework is handed in the quality is not to the expected standard (incomplete, poor quality or rushed). This is creating gaps in their learning. |
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