Pride of Durrington 2023

Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day

Dear Parent/Carer Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day There are still some spaces available for the Worthing College taster half days on Thursday 6th July. Some sessions are full but there is a good selection still available. Full details for those who still want to book are in the attached letter. A selection of […]

Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day

Dear Parent/Carer Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day To support your child with their post 16 options we have worked closely with Worthing College to obtain a half day experience. This offers them a chance to attend Worthing College for half a day on Thursday 6th July. Students will be able to select a […]

Year 7 consultation evening 22nd June 4.30-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer Year 7 consultation evening 22nd June 4.30-7.30pm As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, all parents’/ carers’ evenings will go back to being face-face. We feel that there is so much more nuance in a face-to-face conversation and less room for misunderstanding, than in a quick web chat.  The […]

Year 11 Leavers Hoodies

Year 11 Leavers Hoodies can now be ordered with the school logo on the front and ‘Leavers 23 Durrington High School’ on the back at a cost of £17.50. These hoodies will be available to pick up directly from Broadwater Sports 2-3 weeks after the payment deadline. The hoodie is of a unisex size and […]

DHS Fortnightly update – 31st March 2023

We would like to say a huge thank you for all your support this term.  Whether that be attending a parents’ evening, supporting our brilliant musical, helping your child with their homework, making sure that Y11 students attend tutorials or encouraging them to come to school, even when they feel a little under the weather.  […]

Year 10 Consultation Evening Thursday 27th April 4.30-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer Year 10 Consultation Evening Thursday 27th April 4.30-7.30pm As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, all parents’/ carers’ evenings will go back to being face-face. We feel that there is so much more nuance in a face-to-face conversation and less room for misunderstanding, than in a quick web chat. […]

Performing Arts Centre

Dear Parents/Carers We are delighted that the construction of our fantastic Performing Arts Centre will begin on Monday 27 March. This is an exciting project which has taken many years of careful planning. Once complete Durrington High School will benefit from a purpose built performance space, with state of the art technology to support our […]

DHS Fortnightly update – 17th March 2023

We were delighted that over 100 year 11 students took part in our annual stress-busting mud run challenge on Sunday 12th March.   On what was a (thankfully) warmer day than previous years the group were in excellent spirit and spent over 90 minutes completing a mixed course of obstacles and challenges.  Staff too participated […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.