On Thursday 13th July Durrington High School held its second Pride of Durrington awards ceremony which celebrates the achievements of some incredible members of our school community.
Headteachers Shaun Allison and Chris Woodock said: “We would like to say a huge well done to each and every nominee and winner. Thank you as well to our parent/carers, who do so much to support your children to ‘go beyond their best’. Post-Covid our school values of kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride are leading the way in demonstrating these so successfully to others.”
Kindness in the community awards

Volunteer of the year award
Congratulations to Peyton Brown and Katyee Hawkes
Peyton has been volunteering for Andy’s Angels (grief cafe) for almost one year now helping to run the crafts at the cafe each month, she has now become an original youth ambassador for the charity. In Aug 22 Peyton ran a tattoo and glitter stall independently alongside a hair cutting event at Hive hair in Durrington. They raised £500 for the Little Princess trust fund. We are so proud of Peyton for giving up her time each month to help others.
Peyton is a such a bright and bubbly person and is a true shining star. She has been an inspirational role model to others whilst representing the school in different performances such as the musical in a weekend. Peyton is a polite mannered student who is respectful to all students around her and regularly helps to support friends in taking part in events that they may not have confidence in, such as sporting events. She is such a courteous student who goes above and beyond for anybody that needs it. She is kind to members of staff, perseveres every single day, aspires to be the best person she can and takes pride in everything she does. Peyton makes such a difference in the lives of everybody she meets, she truly deserves this Pride of Durrington award for being the person she is.
Kaytee completed her four days’ work experience in the Lions charity shop at Goring and they have asked her to go back to help on Saturdays if she would like, which she has agreed to do. They have also invited her to become a Friend of the Lions (this is due to her age as members of the Lions need to be 18) as they have been so impressed with her attitude and fortitude in helping out.
Kaytee was also invited to a special presentation night where she was given a certificate for her work at Christmas, as she was the only person that went out every night on the Christmas collections from 6pm till 8pm following the van with a group collectors knocking on doors and collecting money in buckets, some nights there was just four collectors out so they had to do much more, and in doing so she was meeting members of the public, the feedback was she was polite and thankful for any donations received. Over the 13 nights Kaytee and her friend buckets raised over £1000. Kaytee was in the town helping at the grotto all day on each Saturday they were there giving out presents to children when they saw Santa, and all of this is free so all families can benefit from seeing Santa without a cost. This enabled the Lions to raise over £8000 on the Christmas collections alone. All of the monies raised by the Worthing Lions goes back out to local Worthing Community and this includes over £700 worth of food donated to Worthing food banks before Christmas to help the supply families in need.
Charity fundraiser of the year award
Congratulations to Ben McKay
On December 3rd, 2022, Ben raised £963.25 for the British Red Cross by walking from Worthing Pier to Brighton Pier and back again in a day. In total, he walked 23.5 miles in just under 7.5 hours. Ben chose to support the British Red Cross because they offer help and support to anyone within the UK and around the world. At the time he decided on doing the walk, the news coverage included the flooding in Pakistan, the war in Ukraine and the upcoming UK winter during the cost-of-living crisis, and Ben wanted to raise money for a charity that was able to help in all of these areas. After considering several options, including a daily dip in the sea (which his parents managed to talk him out of!), Ben decided that he wanted to walk from Worthing Pier to Brighton Pier and back again as it was a big challenge that wouldn’t cost any money to do. A blister on one of his feet caused him some pain for the last three miles but he was determined to complete the walk and was able to get through it with a couple of rest stops. Ben was very happy that he was able to raise so much money for the British Red Cross, who sent him a certificate to thank him for his help.
Unsung community heroes award
Congratulations to Salmaan Korim-Kamali and Sophie Ball
Salmaan is the epitome of a role model. He comes in every day, works incredibly hard in all of his subjects and his smile is readily given to everyone. He has never had a detention nor has his expectations card ever been signed. If you have been in our school you may have seen him at break and lunch talking to anyone and everyone trying to make their day better, making a difference to the lives of those in the school community. He is always polite and respectful, impeccably dressed with a profound work ethic and a willingness to learn. He is persistently positive and embraces challenges wholeheartedly and enthusiastically. He exemplifies every aspect of what it means to be part of the Durrington Community. He is well known, well-loved and brings joy to all he meets. He is kindness personified and always greets people with a smile. He always says hello and leaves people feeling better than they were prior to his presence. His legacy as an exceptional individual deserves recognition of the highest level.
Sophie is an exceptionally kind and friendly student who works hard in her lessons and exemplifies our core values. On top of her school work she volunteers one Sunday a month at a local Church Sunday Roast, this includes setting up, welcoming guests, serving drinks and food & clearing away. Her customers are all older, sometimes vulnerable people, or with special needs. Some don’t go out, other than for this meal once a month & they really appreciate young people giving their time and love interacting with them! Well done Sophie.
Peer support award
Congratulations to Alisha Clark
Alisha is a true friend to so many students. This was exemplified in this year’s Dance Live, Alisha supported her friends, made sure year 7s were okay, made them feel welcome and befriended them. She was amazing when one of her friends injured herself at the first competition, staying by her side, helping distract her and keep her calm and making sure others didn’t overwhelm her. She was amazing and so good to her friend and helpful for the adults too. She is also really helpful in her Dance GCSE classes, going through the set dances with those who are stuck and need help, even though she’s way ahead, and makes sure they are confident with what they are doing. Overall, a very supportive and lovely girl to all her peers through years 7 to 11.
Aspiration awards

Outstanding contribution to extra-curricular activities
Congratulations to Ellie Leaver
Ellie is an incredible ambassador for extra-curricular activities, she is always involved in a proactive way and is a role model to younger year groups, she approaches every activity with commitment, dedication and bucket loads of energy. She is kind and supportive and encourages lots of other students to participate.
Her contribution is widespread, she contributes to multiple sports clubs and competes in different teams as well as being a part of choir, the whole school musical in which she was a big character and the dance live team which they won. She is an asset to every extra-curricular club she puts her mind to, always there helping if needed, supports everyone and is always a joy.
The commitment to sport award
Congratulations to Bettie-Rose Martin
Bettie has been superb across all 5 years of her time at Durrington, she is a footballer at heart but has happily stepped in to play netball, basketball, rounders, athletics, cross country, she epitomises our school motto of going beyond your best through kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride. Not always appearing confident in her own ability, but she has been a phenomenal sportsperson, but she has that natural ability to turn her hand to any sport, that coupled with her tenacity on the sports field is why I have no doubt in my mind that she will have an excellent future in sport, hopefully a future lioness.
Outstanding commitment within Physical Education
Congratulations to Maisy McCallum
Maisy’s dedication and willingness to improve within all aspects of PE has been absolutely fantastic over the past 5 years.
In extra-curricular activities Maisie has always attended training sessions and fixtures showing excellent commitment and a real desire to improve – not only her own skills and performances but also those of her team mates. She has represented the school in 9 different sports including rugby, netball, athletics and handball. Maisy always plays sport the ‘correct way’, extremely competitive but at the same time showing excellent sportsmanship and etiquette. She has been a fantastic role model to many of our younger students – especially over the past 2-3 years. Maisy has also shown similar focus and dedication within GCSE PE where she has worked tirelessly to improve both her practical and theory grades. She is a conscientious student who works extremely hard and takes on board and uses every learning strategy taught to her. In the build up to exam periods, Maisy regularly would come to the PE office requesting extra revision resources and exam papers to help her prepare. Maisy will be sadly missed by the PE team but we know that she will go onto college and beyond and be successful at whatever she chooses to do.
The spirit of adventure award
Congratulations to George Grover
George is a part of our SSLT, he is always positive and friendly to everyone he meets. Not many people will realise that George took on the mission to Walk 100 miles in 5 days (60 of these miles were solo). This walk took place across the South Downs to raise money for his trip for his Scout Jamboree. His form tutor wrote; “I am super proud of George this year as he has made wonderful contributions to Durrington High School’s community. He has worked hard on the Diversity Door challenge and as a part of SSLT. In form, he is friendly, happy and a positive force. He is always looking for the positives in all situations. I always look forward to seeing what inventions George has created and to see his enthusiasm for all tasks set in front of him. I do not think that I have ever heard George be unkind to anyone the whole time he has been at Durrington. He upholds the Durrington KAPP values of kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride”.
Perseverance awards

Student of courage award
Congratulations to Louie Denyer
Louie is the most helpful, kind hearted lad and goes above and beyond to help others. His dad is so proud of how he helps his family during challenging times, by making sure his 2 younger sisters are ok and helping with any task he asks of him. Dad proudly writes: “If anyone deserves to be proud of the man he is becoming it’s Louie”.
His form tutor agrees by saying: “Louie is such a lovely student and a credit to Durrington. Every morning he greets teachers with a smile and a good morning, always asking about your day. Louie will help anyone that needs it without having to ask him. He is the first person to volunteer for any task and will always support his friends and his tutor group in any endeavours they attempt. Many times, he has received nominations from his friends in tutor for kindness awards for showing them to classes when they have just started the school, for walking to school with friends and just being a real nice guy. He has been striving for his pride badge this year working towards his Bronze seahorse and to not only receive that honour but to be awarded a Pride of Durrington award is a testament to how kind and compassionate he is”.
Young achiever award
Congratulations to Peggy-Lee Martin
Peggy-Lee Martin has been a member of a trampoline club (operating out of Durrington) for a number of years and always trains so hard but when it came to competitions, they never quite went her way. However, despite not often winning medals, she never moaned or got despondent but just kept coming back and trying again and again, and always with the most wonderful attitude. This season we were thrilled to learn that Peggy was ranked first in the region in the double mini trampoline event, which has awarded her a very hard earned and long-awaited place on the south east team competing in Birmingham in September. We could not be more thrilled for her and if ever there was a candidate for most resilience and perseverance, it could only be for Peggy-Lee.
Environmental champion award
Congratulations to Mary Thomas
Mary has been a consistent member of Eco club since it started 3 years ago. She has such a passion for the environment and works so hard to look after it. She has been involved in litter picks and plastic recycling challenges, and was a crucial part of the effort to bring recycling bins into the school. She has even stood up in front of her peers in assemblies to promote our school eco challenges – something many of us find daunting! Being consistent in our efforts to help the environment can be really difficult, but Mary has taken this in her stride and is encouraging others to do the same. Well done Mary for being such a brilliant ambassador, we are proud of you!
The overcoming adversity award
Congratulations to Joseph Harper-Holding
Joe is an outstanding student. Staff say it is an absolute privilege to teach Joe, as he has never allowed his personal standards of effort and dedication to his learning to falter. Joe has had an unimaginably challenging year, we have been blown away by his courage and determination to keep moving forward. He is always polite and positive and gives every task 100%. A teacher says that spending time with him in Iceland was very special, that teacher hopes being able to visit a place with his friends that has such strong meaning for him and his family has helped him on his journey. I can’t think of a more deserving student than Joe for this award.
The outstanding commitment to home learning award
Congratulations to Teodora Cholakova
Tedi always goes above and beyond with her homework and revision for her GCSE’s. She leaves nothing to chance- always seeking support and guidance to get her there! She always showed a true commitment to learning and left nothing to chance. Whenever she was not sure she would seek help to make sure she understood. A total pleasure to teach and someone that will go far in life. Tedi would constantly complete practice exam papers and seek feedback on how she could do even better. So incredibly tenacious about her work. Tedi would bring or send work to English and if it wasn’t available would email her teacher to ask for more! We have watched her improve in every lesson as she made sure she got the most out of her teachers and her lessons. She has an immense respect for education and was such an impressive hard worker we have no doubt she will have huge success in the next stage.
The Sally Baker reading award
Congratulations to Liberty Johnson
Liberty has always been a good reader and it has been a joy working with her while she has been at Durrington. She reads widely, reading classics through to contemporary fiction; books of all genres and she has been able to experience the world, time and even other planets through the variety of books she has read.
In her time with us, she has read so many books, although GCSE’s may have slowed her voracity as she needed to revise, she still read just over 300 books this academic year! We have been finding it harder to supply her with books she hasn’t read before! It’s been a challenge we were very happy to take on!
We do pride ourselves on having a well-stocked library, taking recommendations and requests from students to ensure that our library has books our students want to engage with. Liberty has been a big part of helping us get feedback on our stock while she has been here, as she can easily read a book (sometimes 3) in an evening, she has been able to give us feedback on themes, content and quality of books as we get them in and help us promote them to other readers effectively.
We know that reading builds empathy and understanding as well as increasing general knowledge so we are always thrilled when readers push their boundaries to read as diversely as Liberty has in her time here. She was a kind an caring person when she started, but we know that her lived experience and her experience gained from her reading will give her a wider understanding of the world we live in.
We can’t wait to hear all the fantastic things that we know Liberty is going to go on to achieve. She takes with her a wealth of stories and characters from everything she has read and we hope that they help give her strength and better understanding for life ahead of her.
The outstanding contribution to creative arts award
Congratulations to Keira Rowling
Keira has been a wonderful ambassador for the performing and creative arts throughout her five years at Durrington, she took on a solo song in year 7 and her voice and performance skills have continued to amaze and inspire us all. Her commitment, energy and enthusiasm are abundant and she is an inspiration whilst remaining totally humble and supportive of others. She worked just as hard in her performing arts and music lessons as she did in extra-curricular activities and was a joy to teach. Keira will be sadly missed by the performing arts team but we know she will go on to great things and are sure she will keep in touch!
The outstanding contribution to careers award
Congratulations to Paris Sawyer
Paris knows what pathway her future career will take and has been instrumental in making sure her dreams become a reality. She has been training in dance most of her life – and has been really committed to every dance extra -curricular, in school and outside, she travels the country learning from new experts in the field, listening and acting on their advice. Paris is always striving to be her best, supporting others in the process, taking on jobs such as choreography in clubs to gain more experiences so she is always improving and bettering herself and her talents. She was instrumental in our Dance Live success this year and I am hoping she will come back and support us whenever she can!
Outstanding scholar award
Congratulations to Jasper Smith
Jasper always goes above and beyond in all of his lessons. He consistently requested additional revision and his questions are always well thought out and intelligent. He is always striving to completely understand the content and deeper level thinking required for excellence. When he was applying for a scholarship to Brighton College he sought advice and support regarding interview practice and spent his own time learning good techniques. Jasper has worked tirelessly in all of his subjects to ensure that he is achieving the best grades that he can. He will ask for additional work and for support if he needs it, he would attend all tutorials that he was invited to and would also support others in the form by teaching them. In his mocks Jasper achieved 4- 9s, 1- Distinction, 3- 8s and 2- 7s. He is projected to go beyond this in his final GCSEs too.
On top of this he has performed in musicals, joined the choir, and can even bust a few moves in a dance live performance, he is humble, hard-working and a joy to teach
Diversity champion
Congratulations to Oliver Mangoro
One of the joys of being a teacher is when we learn from students as much as they learn from us. This student has taught me so much and is such a worthy winner of this award and deservedly the first person to ever be awarded it. His form tutor says he is a student who time and again demonstrated compassion. A stalwart of his form and always known to be a figure of support and community by younger years, Oliver’s compassion, humour and perseverance in everything he did at DHS are an example to us all.
Olly is never afraid to raise issues or bring questions. He has worked with teachers to raise awareness of diversity within the curriculum, including SME and English. He was a key member of an instrumental student voice group who spoke up and spoke out, leading to change. He was an active member of the diversity group, Head Boy and leaves an outstanding lasting legacy.
Pride awards

Congratulations to Rebecca Hartry – Coubertin Company
Rebecca is an outstanding student and a credit to have in Coubertin company. She didn’t find the transition to Durrington easy, but with sheer determination and perseverance, she has flourished in every single aspect of school life. She is such a kind and caring friend, always willing to help others. She attends as many clubs as she can and she works tirelessly to achieve her KAPP badges. She is the first to volunteer to help and always gives her absolute best in every lesson. We are so proud of her, well done Rebecca.
Congratulations to Amy-Louise Rooke – Da Vinci Company
Amy-Louise has won the Pride of company award for the following; always kind to all students and supportive of her friends. Great attendance despite a major operation. Gold seahorse achieved already. Support in the local community, specifically spending a day on stagecoach buses supporting passengers getting on and off the bus. Showed outstanding bravery and resilience through some really tough times at school. We are extremely proud of her.
Congratulations to Esme McCarthy – Franklin Company
Esme is a brilliant student whose contribution to Franklin Company is outstanding. She is always striving to be the most conscientious and hard-working student that she can. She prides herself in being kind to everyone and is admired by staff and students alike. She has received 8 perseverance badges, 5 pride badges, 2 kindness badges and 2 aspiration badges. She often volunteers to support with parents evening and is an absolute pleasure to have in our company. She works hard day in, day out and often doesn’t get the recognition she deserves. Well done Esme.
Congratulations to Kristian Byfield – Mercator Company
Kristian is an absolute credit to the Mercator Company, this is partly due to the collection of KAPP badges he has accrued in his short time here so far, Kristian takes advantage of all we have as a school to offer, Kristian continually tries his best to reflect the Durrington way and implement it in everything he does. We are incredibly proud to give this award to Kristen and look forward to seeing his growth and further successes.
Congratulations to Mylie Corbett – Roddick Company
Mylie is such a fantastic member of 8AGR and Roddick company. Each and every day, she shows great kindness towards peers and staff members, is always polite and positive and supports her peers whenever possible. She has shown great resilience and perseverance over the last two years, achieving effort 1 in all of her subjects this year. She always puts her best effort into everything she does, and is a fantastic role model to her peers. I am so proud of everything she has achieved this year. She has shown incredible aspiration and perseverance through all of the extracurricular events she participates in, especially all the training and races she takes part in. I feel very lucky to have such a positive and kind person as Mylie, as part of my form group.
Mylie is an absolute go getter. She is relentless in her goals to aim higher and is constantly looking for ways to achieve. Mylie is always kind and has a really calm way about her, being a fabulous influence on others spreading her infectious smile and joy. Mylie’s confidence has grown over this past year even further and is an absolute asset to Roddick company. She is a student that can always be relied upon and continues to exceed our expectations within her sporting successes and academically. Mylie will continue to fire her way through the KAPP badges like the pocket rocket we know and love and no doubt continue to achieve great things. We are so very proud of Mylie in all that she accomplishes and look forward to following her progress on her journey through her time with us at Durrington.
She is relentless in her goals to aim higher and is constantly looking for ways to achieve. Mylie is always kind and has a really calm way about her, being a fabulous influence on others spreading her infectious smile and joy. Mylie’s confidence has grown over this past year even further and is an absolute asset to Roddick company. She is a student that can always be relied upon and continues to exceed our expectations within her sporting successes and academically. Mylie will continue to fire her way through the KAPP badges like the pocket rocket we know and love and no doubt continue to achieve great things. We are so very proud of Mylie in all that she accomplishes and look forward to following her progress on her journey through her time with us at Durrington.
Congratulations to Joseph Waterer – Shelley Company
Joseph is truly an inspiring student. He has used his charisma, leadership and approachability to represent the school in many sports (mainly football and cricket), trips, and drama performances. He was voted into the Worthing and Adur Youth Council to represent fellow teenagers in our area. He was voted in for captain of his football team for 3 years running, and won multiple awards there. He was chosen to be a Sports Captain and a librarian at Durrington. He has also worked hard on his written skills and has become a published poet nationally. Outside of school he has also made great progress in public speaking, comedy and magic. If his plethora of shiny badges on his blazer cannot show you how dedicated and hard-working Joseph is, then let me tell you as his form tutor, I am in awe of his diligence and devotion he has towards his academic work and extracurricular. He does not hesitate to take every opportunity to better himself and seek new skills. He energizes our form, and others in his classes to push themselves, and will be kind in supporting them too. It has been a pleasure to work alongside him and I cannot wait to see his bright future unfold.
Joseph optimises all that Shelley company strive for in their company. He is polite, articulate and goes above and beyond in every aspect of his school life. Joseph goes out of his way every day to embody all of our KAPP values and this is seen by the array of badges on his blazer lapel. Joseph became a Sport’s leader this year and has spoken in front of his company, in a Shelley assembly, regards a sporting opportunity he had help to organise. Joseph is well respected by his peers and Shelley company are exceptionally proud of his many attributes and talents. Congratulations Joseph on winning the award, we know there are going to be a great many things you will accomplish over the next few years, here at DHS.
The Darren Fox award for outstanding contribution to science
Congratulations Alex McIntosh
The student awarded the Darren Fox Award exemplifies the values that we strive for our community to live by. The Darren Fox Award takes its name from a person who gave their best to our school and upheld KAPP values long before they were given the acronym – he had a great impact on my life, whilst I was here as a student. I have been lucky enough to teach this student for the last year and I can confidently say that high aspiration and perseverance are the core of their success. Few students have worked as consistently hard through their time at Durrington High School and even fewer spend time during their summer pre-reading for their A-Levels to best prepare themselves. I know this student will go on to achieve well in his exams this summer and even greater things in the future. The inaugural Darren Fox Award goes to Alex McIntosh.
The Sam Bassett award for outstanding contribution to performing arts
Congratulations to Max Hopkins
Sam Bassett was in year 9 when I first started teaching at Durrington, a loveable cheeky chap who got involved in every production and thoroughly loved his Drama and Music. Sam was always a joy to watch on stage and always made me laugh with his quick ad libs. This memorial award is in his honour as Sam sadly passed away 12 years ago and since then we have honoured his memory by presenting this award to a student who has gone above and beyond for the performing arts department. The recipient tonight has been in every production since he joined us in year 7, he has participated with energy, dedication and remains humble and wonderful. He is an inspiration and a positive role model to all years, when a year 10 took a lead role in the 24-hour musical this pupil was the one who supported and encouraged him and bought flowers for the performance. He is kind, overcomes adversity and is a performing arts legend. He was also a close contender for the Diversity champion award as he does so much to support inclusivity, embrace diversity and is a wonderful ambassador for being yourself. Max Hopkins, you have been a pleasure to teach and I am so grateful for your continuous contributions. The Sam Basset memorial award goes to you.
Greatest contribution to school values award

Congratulations to Ella Zeegers – Year 7
Ella has demonstrated the core values of Durrington since joining us in September, she is delightful to teach, always ready with a smile and a positive attitude. She has gained a number of KAPP badges, participated in extra-curricular events including Dance Live, the musical and the production in 24 hours, as well as performing in a local theatre company in their production of Joseph. She is kind, hardworking and willing to learn, she is supportive of her peers and has had the best start to her time at Durrington, we can’t wait to see her progress over the next 4 years. Congratulations Ella.
Congratulations to Reuben Bowdery – Year 8
Reuben is an integral part of the form group. He is extremely intelligent, witty and mature. Reuben comes in every single day with perfect uniform, equipment and attitude. He embodies every single KAPP value on a daily basis, he never lets his standards slip. It has been inspiring to see how Reuben self-confidence has really developed since year 7. It’s wonderful to see his hard work and intelligence shining through. He will achieve many great things in life.
Congratulations to Siaana Hearn – Year 9
Siaana completely embodies what it means to be a Durrington student. She has fully embraced all the KAPP values and strives to always go beyond her best. Not only does Siaana participate in many extra-curricular clubs, she is a Sports Captain and has represented the school for the Y9 Maths Challenge. Sianna has a passion for the environment and works hard to look after it, she was a nominee for Environmental Champion as she has led assemblies and works hard with the eco club. She will always stand up for what is right and is a confident and intelligent member of Team Durrington. Outside school she has achieved many taekwondo awards and is a Youth Council member. Siaana contributes to tutor time discussions in a calm and thoughtful way. She uses her skills from debate club to put her views forward in a very persuasive manner. She is also excellent at Maths, being part of the group who went to Liverpool and became national finalists. Siaana, we are very proud of you.
Congratulations to Ollie Marett – Year 10
Ollie is a model student within 10HKi and Durrington High School. He is considerate, hard-working and kind. He always asks his tutor how they are in the mornings during form and thinks of others before himself. Whatever task he is given he tries 100% and takes on responsibilities with a high level of maturity. He should be extremely proud of being a member of this year SSLT. He has been a key team player within the drama productions throughout his time at Durrington and was part of the winning Dance live team. He demonstrates our core values on a daily basis and is always positive and friendly. Ollie continues to make outstanding contributions to our school community at Durrington.
Congratulations to Ava Crawley – Year 11
The winner of this award has been an inspiration to many of their peers. She didn’t find the mock exam period easy and was quite often putting a lot of pressure on them self to do even better, all while supporting her friends and ensuring they never missed a piece of homework or wasn’t thinking deeply about exactly what their teacher was asking them to do. Their resilience is uncanny and their perseverance to keep moving forward, to keep striving and to keep pushing them self is exceptional to see. They should be immensely proud of not only their GCSE results but also in their determination and drive throughout their time at Durrington High school, they have made me reflect on my practice, made me think am i doing enough I am supporting the students as much as i can, the winner of this award is a constant happy, hardworking, amazing young person and i know they will change the world for the better just by being them.
Staff awards
Outstanding contribution to pastoral support
Congratulations to Sally Baker
Sally is a Durrington stalwart and has supported thousands of students in her time so far. This is what staff had to say about her: She provides a safe atmosphere to our most vulnerable students. It is not just the room but the person who oversees it that help the students have a space they feel safe in and can be themselves. Sally builds their confidence and resilience.
The amount of time and support she has for the students is incredible. The trust and comfort they get from her and her totally understanding and willingness to help and go out of her way to make students day better is something I aspire to. The school really wouldn’t be the same without her and she really does embody the diversity, positivity and team that we are. Sally works hard to create a place for students to feel welcome and give students a place where their voice is heard. They always greet the students with a smile and their passion is catching. They inspire so many student’s day to day. Thank you Sally for all you do for our students.
Colleague support
Congratulations Simona Trignano
Simona T is my rock! I could not have asked for a more hardworking, approachable, determined Deputy Company Leader. Simona goes above and beyond in every aspect of her working day. Simona will go out of her way to actively try and support everyone she works with, with a smile on her face. Simona has a heart of gold. Her warmth, generosity and wonderful smile stand out to all.
Simona Trignano – When I started at Durrington two years ago I was new to the systems and the students. I was given a trickier year 10 class and my partner teacher was Trig and I couldn’t be in better hands. She has since become a role model to me. The support she provides for students is second to none but the support she provides me and all staff is immeasurable. Any time I am having a bad day she is there with her sweet tin and a cup of tea to talk it through. If ever I have a biology question I know I can go to her for support and not only that but she listens to any issues and if needs be she will pass them to staff association making sure that any issues are heard. This makes the school not only better for the current staff but also better for all future staff. She took on her role this year as deputy company leader and she has thrived in this role being the inspiration to me when I start as deputy company leader in September. I have seen her take on challenges such as running assemblies and thrived. She is the best role model who encapsulates KAPP values. She is Durrington through and through. Every decision she makes is to support students and her compassion, insight and care are evident in everything she does for our young people.
Unsung hero
Congratulations Karen Chester
Having recently started working with Karen, I am in awe of her commitment and hard work that goes into helping our students. She has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience, and always knows what our students need. It isn’t always noticed but she does so much to keep things ticking along (washing and organising uniform/ helping to organise the prom dresses etc.) and this ultimately has such a positive impact on the students – especially those who have the toughest lives. She gives up loads of her own time for Duke of Edinburgh, helping children to learn valuable life skills. She always makes the time to sit and listen to each student when they need her, making them feel valued and special. She’s helped guide students through some of the toughest times in their lives, and I am sure they will be eternally grateful for everything she does.
Karen every single day does life changing work, the support and kindness she shows to all the hundreds of students she sees a day is pure inspiration. She’s here to support everyone – students, families and staff alike. She sorts all the uniform stuff in her own time (sewing and fixing things up at home) as well as being an integral part of the DofE scheme for YEARS too. A central heartbeat of the Durrington team!
Headteachers special recognition award

Congratulations Bethany Evans
This final award is presented to a student who embodies the core values of Durrington, who really does prove that you get out of life what you are prepared to put in. She is hard working, resilient, every report has Straights 1s for effort and homework when she is not gaining the Perseverance award. She has an outstanding record of attendance and embodies what Durrington is all about. She takes every opportunity offered and pushes herself to go beyond her best.
She is proactive, involved in sports teams, extra-curricular productions and always with energy, grace and a sense of fun. She takes part in every KAPP challenge and is a fantastic role model for younger years, she is liked and admired by all and is supportive of everyone. She has just been in Portugal representing Team England in the Dance World Cup and is so deserving of this special recognition award. Bethany Evans, your future is bright and we all recognise how much effort and time you put into making Durrington a happy place for all.
We would like to thank all our sponsors for supporting this brilliant event celebrating our student’s achievements both in and out of the classroom. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Going beyond our through kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride.