DHS students enjoy taking part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Sir Captain Tom Moore inspired millions just over a year ago, when he walked 100 laps of his garden and raised almost 39 million pounds for the NHS. At a time when people were grappling with the restrictions of a National lockdown he offered hope and positivity on a grand scale that the Nation embraced […]
Spring Term Letter
Dear Parents/ Carers We were delighted to welcome all of our students back to school this term. School is once again as it should be; a vibrant, busy and happy environment in which our students thrive as they engage with their excellent teaching and learning. We are delighted to have been able to open up […]
Virtual Work Experience Programmes Give Students Vital Insight into Career Pathways

At Durrington High School the year 10 work experience week is a highlight of the careers programme. With around 300 students heading to a variety of jobs and workplaces each year, we know how valuable this experience is for students as they begin to make decisions about their future. With the restrictions in place due […]
End of Term Arrangements

Dear parents/carers, I write to update you on arrangements for the end of term on Thursday 1st April 2021. As is the norm in the current situation we will be organising a staggered release of students. Years 7, 9 and 11 will finish at the end of their Period 5 lesson. This means that they […]
Non-Uniform day in support of Comic Relief 2021 – Friday 19th March

Dear Parents/Carers The school will be supporting Comic Relief ‘Red Nose Day’ taking place nationwide this Friday by holding a mufti day to raise money for such a worthwhile and long-established charity. A link to the website which provided wider information about the day is below. There is also further information regarding the support that […]
Commencement of Homework

Dear Parents/ Carers, Thank you for your support to date which has helped ensure a smooth return to school for all of our students. As you will be aware students completing work away from the school site (whether this be set tasks or independent study/revision for assessments) is proven to have a positive impact on […]
Home-testing Information

Dear Parents/ Carers, Thank you for your support to date which has helped ensure a smooth return to school for all of our students. Today (Tuesday 16th March) all students who have been in-school have been provided with a personal home testing kit. This is provided to ease the transition to home-based Covid testing as […]
Team Durrington take on the KAPP Aspiration Challenge

In the first half of the spring term students and staff at Durrington High School were invited to take part in an Aspiration Challenge. With the school closed to the majority of students and the country in a national lockdown, the challenge aimed to offer students the chance to engage with curriculum areas outside of […]
Year 11 Update

Dear parents/carers and year 11 student, Re: Year 11 – Welcome back and next steps… We have been delighted to welcome back all of our year 11 students this week; it has been a long wait for us all! We thank you again for all the support you have given with their school work throughout […]
Year 10 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening

Dear Parents and Carers Year 10 Parents / Carers Consultation Evening – 24 March 2021 We are pleased to be able to confirm that we will be holding our Year 10 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening on Wednesday 24 March 2021 between 4pm and 7:30pm. Due to the ongoing restrictions in place due the COVID 19 pandemic, […]