The Durrington Way … our Autumn Term 2022 celebration.
Watch the full video here. #Kindness #Aspiration #Perseverance #Pride #TeamDurrington
End of term arrangements – Friday 16th December
Dear Parents/Carers, Just a reminder that the last day of term is Friday 16th December 2022. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:25pm. Students entitled to a Free School Meal should use the canteen at morning break. The new term begins on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. Kind regards Durrington High School
Reminder: All students in Y7-11 will be back in school today, Thursday 15th December. Many thanks for your understanding this week.
All students in Y7-11 will be back in school from tomorrow.
All students in year groups 7 to 11 will be back in school from tomorrow. Many thanks for your understanding this week.
We can confirm today, Wednesday 14th December, is a normal school day for students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Year 11 will come in for their mock exams only and should arrive 20 minutes before their exam is due to start, and in full school uniform. Thank you for your continued support.
Dear Parents/carers,
Firstly thank you for your continues patience and support as we manage this changing situation. We have reviewed the current levels of staffing absence and need to put in place now for further adaptations to timetables over the coming days. Our plan as of this afternoon is as follows: Tuesday 13th: Year 10: to remain […]
Urgent update: Monday 12th December
Apologies for the very short notice however we have significant staff illness/absence today. Even with cover staff we are unable to cover a reasonable number of scheduled lessons and hence we are needing to move year 9 and 10 to remote learning today. This means that year 9 and 10 students should not attend school today […]
DHS Fortnightly update – 9th December 2022
As we head into the last week of term, we would like to thank you for all your support this term. All of our students have worked incredibly hard this term and should enjoy a well deserved break. This is especially true of our Y11 students who have been so well focused on their mock […]
Non-Uniform / Christmas Jumper day in support of Save the Children
Dear Parents / Carers, Thursday 8th December 2022 – Non-Uniform / Christmas Jumper day in support of Save the Children The school will be supporting Save the Children this December by holding a non-uniform day, with the option to wear a Christmas Jumper, to raise money for such a worthwhile and long-established charity. Students will […]
Behind the scenes at DHS … meet the Laboratory Technicians
The science tech team at DHS includes Maggie Williams, Sam Baker, Alex Searle and Catherine Bourner. Maggie is the Senior Technician in the team, having joined DHS originally as a Teaching Assistant and then moving to the science department in 2011. There is a true team spirit and camaraderie between the staff who all work […]