28 May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
We are so proud of our amazing students, dedicated and brilliant staff team and you, our fantastic and supportive parents and carers. Together we have ensured a super successful half term, so thank you to all.
Last week we said a fond farewell to our year 11s who are an incredible year group. Their resilience and determination is an inspiration and we are so proud of them all.
Restarting our clubs programme again this term has been brilliant, for students and staff. It is the first time our year 7s have been able to experience the Durrington extra-curricular programme and they have been making the most of the opportunities. They have enjoyed a whole range of clubs, from science to debate and creative writing to coding and many in between, plus a choice of basketball, tennis and athletics. We have been delighted with the numbers attending clubs and look forward to expanding our extra-curricular offer even further. You can read more about the return of clubs on the website here.
We always seek to broaden the experience of our students and before they left, year 11 students were given the chance to hear about the Aspire programme at Worthing College which you can read about here. We were also honored to welcome Paralympic athlete David Hill into school to mentor students as part of the Youth Sport Trust ‘Active in Mind’ programme, which you can find out more about here.
KAPP (kindness, aspiration, perseverance and pride) continues to go from strength to strength and we have now awarded over 1400 badges to students across all year groups. It is fantastic to see so many students wearing their badges. So far we have seen 17 bronze seahorses awarded to those students who have gained a badge in all four values and students are working hard to see who will be the first to achieve a silver seahorse. This half term’s KAPP initiative saw individuals and tutor groups taking on the #CaptainTom100 challenge which you can read about here. You can also see a montage of our KAPP activities from this half term here.
Important information: Covid 19
Please be reminded that if your child records a positive lateral flow and/or positive PCR Covid 19 test during the half term break you still need to report this to the school please. This request applies each and every day during the half term break. Please continue to use
to let us know. This will support us in quickly tracking, tracing and alerting any close contacts during the break. Thank you in advance for your support.
We very much look forward to the final half term of the school year and all that it will bring. We wish you and your family a lovely half term break.
Kind regards

Sue Marooney
Executive Headteacher /CEO
Chris Woodcock
Head of School