Geography trip to Iceland
During the Easter break 6 staff and 56 students from across Y10-11 took part in the geography trip to Iceland. Over a period of 3 nights and 4 days, the group had an incredible time visiting some of the most breath-taking natural features in the world including raging waterfalls, volcanic craters, erupting geysers and lava […]
Maths and Computing trip to Bletchley Park
Students spent the day at the site of the WW2 code breakers, where mathematical minds and technological achievements came together to not only help end the war early, but also shape the world in which we live in today. Students completed a cipher workshops, where they had to put their maths skills to use […]
Durrington High School Celebrate National Careers Week

The week of 7th -11th March was National Careers Week with a focus on ‘get curious about careers’ and students at Durrington were given many opportunities to do just that. With visitors from a range of employers and further and higher education providers, there was something for everyone. Each exhibition stand had activities to give […]
The Seahorse

We are delighted to share the latest edition of our fantastic Creative Writing Club anthology The Seahorse: What if? Students have worked incredibly hard on their pieces over the last term, persevering to improve their writing and we are really proud of their dedication. Read it here – The Seahorse: What if?
Inspiring Students to Aim High; Year 8 Students Visit the University of Sussex

On Tuesday 18th January our careers team took 20 year 8 students to The University of Sussex for a taster day. With GCSE option choices just a year away the aim of the day was to inspire them as they start thinking about which options they might take and what further and higher education options […]
End of Term Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers As we come to the end of 2021 and the Autumn term I wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your support, not only this term but throughout the year. We really are a strong team at Durrington and with your support, the dedication, passion and expertise of our staff […]
Students Inspired by Albion in the Community Events

Last week some of our students in years 8 and 9 were given the fantastic opportunity to engage in events run by Albion in the Community promoting the importance of women in tech jobs and enterprise. The chosen students have all shown a great aptitude in their computer science lessons this term and were invited […]
End of Autumn Half Term Letter

Dear Parents/Carers We have had a wonderful start to the new school year. Many thanks to you, our parents and carers, for your continued support. We were all pleased to return to subjects being back in their areas, assemblies and all the usual activities that make our school special. Due to the dedication and expertise […]
Inspiring Days Out for Year 10 Business and Computer Science Students

We are so excited that school trips have been taking place this term, giving our students enrichment opportunities that take them outside of the classroom and bring their learning to life. On Thursday 23rd September year 10 business studies students relished the opportunity to attend the Better Business Show. They heard from inspiring business owners […]
Creative Writing Club and Eco Club Collaboration

Over the past year Eco Club and Creative Writing Club (Swimming in Words) have really enjoyed working together on a collaborative project. Club members have been so dedicated and shown real passion for both writing and the environment. To celebrate this work we are delighted to publish this wonderful anthology. The first part of this […]