Year 9 Parents Evening

Dear Parents / Carers Year 9 Online Parents / Carers Consultation Evening – Wednesday 2nd March 2022 I am writing to inform you that the forthcoming Year 9 Parents / Carers Consultation Evening will take place virtually on Wednesday 2nd March 2022. This evening presents an excellent opportunity to engage with your child’s teachers and […]
Year 11 parent/carer GCSE briefing – 14/02

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Year 11 Parent/Carer GCSE briefing

You can find the first of our year 11 parent/carer GCSE briefings here.
Year 9 Options Information

Dear Parent/ Carer It is our pleasure to attach the Options brochure 2022 to help you make decisions with your child for courses in Year 10 and Year 11. A Google Classroom titled Options 2022-2023 has been created which your child has been added to and here they will find the Options Introduction loom and subject […]
Update to Parents/Carers -31st January 2022

Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you for your support over the last week as we continue to manage the challenge of fluctuating case rates within both our staff and student body. I write to provide a brief update ahead of students returning to school next week and confirm some specific short-term arrangements we need to put in place. Thank […]
Inspiring Students to Aim High; Year 8 Students Visit the University of Sussex

On Tuesday 18th January our careers team took 20 year 8 students to The University of Sussex for a taster day. With GCSE option choices just a year away the aim of the day was to inspire them as they start thinking about which options they might take and what further and higher education options […]
Information from SIS: Covid Vaccinations on 28th January 2022

Dear parents/carers, Covid 19 Vaccinations: Please disregard this email if your child will still be 11 or will be 16 years old already on 28th January 2022. As you will be aware students were offered a Covid 19 vaccination in the autumn term in school by the West Sussex School Immunisation Service (SIS). Their programme has […]
INSET Days – January 2022

Dear Parents / Carers, INSET days January 2022 I write to remind parents/carers that Thursday 27th and Friday 28th January are Inset days and the school will be closed for students in years 7 – 10 both days. Please read on if you have a child in year 11: Year 11 students however will be […]
Year 11 Parents Evening – Tuesday 25th January

Dear Parents and Carers Year 11 Parents / Carers Consultation Evening – Tuesday 25th January 2022 I am writing to remind you that the appointments for our Year 11 Parents/Carers Consultation Evening will open from 9am tomorrow, on Saturday 8th December. As you will be aware the evening will be held virtually using the School […]
Final Return to School Information – January 2022

Dear parent/carer, We hope that you have had a relaxing break and wish you all a Happy New Year. As you may be aware schools were sent additional guidance yesterday and hence our message today to provide an update relating to this. We include some additional information as well to ensure we have the smoothest possible start to […]