Pride of Durrington Special Edition Newsletter 22 July 2024

Year 11

Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, I’d like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of our current year 11 students. The cohort have matured and thrived through their exam period and this is testament to the support and guidance you have provided. As the students have nearly sat all of their exams we move […]

Meet the Author – Liz Kessler

Dear Parents and Carers, We are excited to share an exciting opportunity for our year 7 students to engage with an award winning Author in a virtual event on Tuesday 11th June. Students will get to meet bestseller Liz Kessler and hear about her new wartime book CODE NAME KINGFISHER, which explores the lives of […]

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying Expedition

Well done to our 51 year 10 students who successfully completed their qualifying expedition over a hot and sunny weekend. The students were in 9 teams, all self-sufficient for the weekend – carrying everything they would need. The teams walked different routes of approximately 12km (8 miles) each day – although some wandered a bit […]

Year 7 consultation evening 20th June 4.30-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, our Year 7 Parent/Carer Consultation evening will run on Thursday 20th June. The meetings are an invaluable opportunity that are designed to allow you to talk to your child’s subject teachers and discuss their progress. You will be able to start booking […]

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.