Durrington Newsletter 7 March 2025
Meet our Student Librarians
This month we welcomed six new student librarians to the team. George, Jadyn, Poppy, Hollie, Xuana and Ashton were interviewed for the position and were successfully chosen from a group of fifty students who applied. The student librarians are the heart and soul of the library and we would not be able to run successfully […]
The Durrington Journey with Year 7
Our fabulous year 7s are now half way through their first year at DHS and have been chatting about some of their favourite subjects. Art Willow is a keen artist and really enjoys how creative the subject is, she says it doesn’t matter if you get something wrong as the teachers are so supportive and […]
Aspiration Challenge – Half a million minutes
From Monday the 10th of February to Friday the 28th, Durrington High School hosted the SSLT’s newest challenge: Half a Million Minutes. Aiming to combine the hard work of every pupil and staff member in the school, we set out to meet the challenge of 500,00 minutes. This was done through hundreds of ways, ranging […]
Year 11 Parent / Carer GCSE Exam Support Evening: Tuesday 25th March
Dear Parent / Carer In order to help parents and carers support our students leading up to and during the examination period, we will be running a ‘Parent / Carer Support Evening’, on Tuesday 25th March. This will start at 5.30pm in the Performing Art Centre. During the evening we will go through the following: […]
Year 10 Work Experience
At Durrington we know that giving students the opportunity to work in the real world is valuable. This year over 230 of our year 10 students left school for up to 4 days to try out employment. Students were first tasked with thinking about themselves and considering what it is they wanted to try. They […]
FIRST® LEGO® League Sussex Regional finals
The FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge tournament, hosted by London Gatwick at its renowned STEM Centre, took place on Thursday 13 February. An impressive fifteen teams of students, aged 9 to 16, from schools across the South East, competed in the SUBMERGED℠ challenge, all vying for the prestigious title of Regional Champions. Durrington High School were […]
Year 10 Careers Day
On the last Friday of work experience week, we were delighted to welcome all our students back into school to take part in careers day. Careers day aims to start students thinking about their onward journey after year 11. Information workshops were delivered by The Chichester College Group, Get Careers Confident, Plumpton College and our […]
Year 10 Employer Workshop
We know that external work experience does not suit everyone, and we always want to make sure our students can learn from employers. This year we were delighted to welcome Yvonne Thomas, a Director of Learning & Development at The UK Border Force, to work with the year 10 students in school. Yvonne hosted 2 […]