Last week some of our students in years 8 and 9 were given the fantastic opportunity to engage in events run by Albion in the Community promoting the importance of women in tech jobs and enterprise. The chosen students have all shown a great aptitude in their computer science lessons this term and were invited to the events to inspire them further and help them see the possibilities that computer science and business studies GCSEs can lead to.
The first event on Tuesday 23rd November was an online conference ’Young Women in Enterprise’ in which the girls attending heard from inspiring women from across the globe. These highly successful women spoke to the girls about the qualifications they needed to get where they were and how exciting and rewarding their jobs were. The event which was supported by Amex highlighted the importance of women in business and inspired the girls to think more about the jobs available in that sector and the options they could take to help get them there.
On Thursday it was the turn of year 8 students to attend a Girls in Tech day, again run by Albion in the Community and supported by Amex. This event intends to inspire girls to see the endless possibilities studying computer science can lead to. They were shown a range of jobs, some of which they didn’t even know existed, and were inspired by the women who were passionate about their field of work.
Claire Taylor, Head of Business, Computer Science and ICT said
It has been a really exciting week for our department and I’m delighted that we have been able to engage with these important events. Inspiring girls at a young age to explore areas of work traditionally dominated by men is really important. Meeting such high achieving women during these events is a fantastic way to encourage them to explore what opportunities are out there. The girls were a credit to the school asking intelligent and thought-provoking questions to the guest speakers.
Claire Taylor, Head of Business, Computer Science and ICT
If you are interested in computer science – there is a club for all year groups over the week. Check out the list here and we hope to see you there!