Before you start a reminder that you can find a copy of the transition handbook below (Parent/Student Induction Handbook).
You can also take a virtual tour of our school here if you wish to do so.
If you have questions about any aspect of school life at Durrington please contact us on 01903 244957 or email
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all our latest news.
You can view the slides from the transition parents’ evening that took place on the 3rd of July here.
Please click the following link to view the Year 7 Parent Student Handbook here.
Please note that all communications will be sent via email to the email address provided on your application to county, when you originally applied to Durrington High School. You will shortly be able to access our Parent/Careers portal to make changes or additions. Alternatively, please keep an eye on this web page, which we will regularly update with any communications sent out.

Miss Vaughan
Head of Year 7
I am Miss Vaughan and I am the Year 7 Lead at Durrington High School. My job is to help you settle in to your first year at school, as well as support you when you need it; I will also be teaching Social and Moral Education (SME) and Science. Outside of school, I enjoy playing sports such as Netball, or when weather permits, snowboarding, and I was a gymnastics coach for many years before becoming a teacher. At home, you can find me cuddled up with my 2 cats named Ron and Harry or reading a good book!

Mrs Fullwood
Pastoral Manager
I am Mrs Fullwood and I am the Year 7 Pastoral Manager at Durrington High School.
My role is to help you settle into your first year at High School and support you through the year and help you feel part of the Durrington community. I especially like it when year 7 students come and tell me what they like about High School and things they have achieved.
I enjoy taking walks in the countryside and cooking as well as sitting down with a good book.
First day – Wednesday 4th September (8:40-2:20)
Thursday 5th September – Usual timings resume (8:40-3:10)
View our trips and clubs here
Please see the equipment that you will need to bring to school every day.
They will need:
– 2 pens
– 2 pencils
– Ruler
– Scientific calculator
– Paperback book
– Coloured pencils (optional)
– Highlighters (optional)
You may purchase a calculator from the maths department at school.
Our students are extremely smart and we place high regard on their personal presentation and the way in which they wear their uniform. We value the full support that parents/carers give the school in ensuring that their child meets the uniform expectations and we expect our students to be in full uniform each day.
We have kept many of the items of uniform generic and these can be sourced at relatively low cost from a range of providers including supermarkets and via the internet. In addition, from Autumn 2022, we will be running a half-termly recycled uniform provision where parents/carers can come in and purchase pre-owned items of uniform at significantly lower cost. These steps ensure that the costing of uniform is accessible to all students and families.
Students will be removed from lessons if they are not wearing the correct uniform or their hairstyle, makeup or jewellery does not meet with school expectations. Parents/carers or students should check with the school before purchasing items or colouring or styling hair if they are unsure of whether the item, hairstyle or hair colour will meet with school expectations. The headteacher’s decision is final
Our uniform suppliers are:
Broadwater Sports
37 Broadwater Street West, Worthing, BN14 9BY
First 4 Uniform
32, North Road, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 9AB
Details about uniform and personal presentation expectations are below. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
Skirt The exclusive skirt is a black knee-length Banner ‘A’ line Salisbury style only. The hem of the skirt should lie/remain on the knee at all times and can be purchased from Broadwater Sports, and
Trousers Trousers must be straight-legged and be plain black material only, i.e. no tapering (getting thinner) or flaring (widening) towards the ankle. Trousers that are skinny fit, skin tight, denim, made of heavy cotton material, contain Lycra or similar stretchy/elastic fabric that would cause them to look skin tight/tapered or with logos are not acceptable. Trousers should not have on them additional buttons/ zips/ sequins/rips/studs/poppers/makers’ labels or names.
Belt Plain black only. Belt buckles should be discreet and plain; specifically, they must not be coloured, displaying a logo or be any larger than the width of the trouser waistband.
Shirt Plain white shirt with collar (not fitted, tailored or blouses). Both long sleeved and short sleeved are acceptable. No logos are allowed on shirts. Shirts should be worn with all buttons done up and be tucked properly into trousers / skirts.
Tie Durrington High School company tie. Ties should be worn with the knot covering the collar button of shirts and a minimum of 7 complete seahorses should be visible below the knot.
Blazer Black with school badge.
T-shirts Only plain white T-shirts can be worn beneath school shirts.
Tights Black or neutral shades only.
Socks Plain black only.
Footwear Formal black shoes only. Sandals, backless shoes, boots, plimsolls, or black trainers are not acceptable.
Coats Coats/other jumpers/scarves are not permitted to be worn or carried around the school building during the school day. These should be stored in the lockers provided, or carried securely in school bags.
Hair Extreme styles of hair are unacceptable. This may include: unnatural colours (for example red/plum/ purple tinted); two tone/dip-dye hair; shaved lines; shaved pattern; complete shaving of the head (classed as grade 1 or below), or any undercutting. Distinct changes in length (non-graduated) are permissible. However the style should remain more formal i.e. presented in a neat style at all times. Styles such as Mohicans, Mohawks, long spiking up of hair on top of the head or similar are classed as extreme styles and not permitted. If you are in any doubt please contact the school before getting hair cut/styled. The above are all examples, the lists are not exhaustive.
Jewellery For safety reasons, only one pair of small (<3mm) plain metal (silver or gold) stud earrings can be worn. No other jewellery is allowed. Nose studs, tongue studs and all other forms of body piercing are forbidden in school and must be removed before entering school. If worn this will be confiscated by staff and returned at the end of the day.
Religious Observance Head coverings should be plain black.
Makeup Makeup should be discreet. Nail varnish, nail polish, acrylic or false nails and/or nail art are not to be worn. False eyelashes are also not permitted. Students who are deemed to be wearing too much make up will be asked to remove it immediately. The school reserves the right to make this decision.
P.E. Kit Indoor (boys and girls) Sky blue polo shirt with school logo. Navy blue shorts only, logo to be no bigger than thumb size. White sports socks Non-marking trainers (NB. no skate board shoes or flat-soled trainers) Leggings may be worn for dance and gymnastics only – they should be plain black with logo no bigger than thumb size and must have no additional writing, stripes or branding on them.
P.E. Kit Outdoor – boys Navy blue reversible Rugby shirt with sky blue band DHS PE hooded top with school logo (optional). Plain navy blue shorts , logo no bigger than thumb size. Navy blue football/rugby socks. Football boots. Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms may be worn over shorts for autumn – spring term. Logo must be no bigger than thumb size. Plain navy or black base layer (underarmour) may be worn (autumn to spring terms only)
P.E. Kit Outdoor – girls Sky blue polo shirt with school logo. Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo or DHS PE hooded top (optional). Plain navy blue shorts, logo no bigger than thumb size. Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms may be worn over shorts for autumn – spring term. Logo must be no bigger than thumb size. Plain navy or black base layer (underarmour) may be worn (autumn to spring terms only). Football boots
In every PE lesson – students are required to remove all items of jewellery. This includes earrings and watches. Earring tape is not considered acceptable to cover piercings; the earring must be taken out.
Equipment – All students are expected to bring the following pieces of essential school equipment on a daily basis:
School bag – a practical school bag should be brought to school each day by students. Pen, pencil and paperback. Ruler. Rubber. Protractor. Scientific calculator.
No student should bring (or be asked to bring) into school any items that are deemed to be inappropriate, illegal or dangerous to other students even if it is for an educational purpose. (See ‘Behaviour Policy’ for further clarification)
Mobile Phones and other electronic devices / accessories at Durrington we want each student to get the most out of each and every day at school, build lasting friendships and develop as well-rounded, informed members of the community. In order to support students in doing this we seek to avoid all potential distractions and disruptions. In line with the recommendations from the Department for Education, and following consultation with the Governors, requests from parents, and visits to other local schools where a similar approach is taken, we will be further restricting the use of mobile phones & other electronic devices / accessories (for example smartwatches, portable gaming devices, music playing devices, tablets, headphones, Bluetooth speakers) on the school site from September 2019. Smartwatches are defined as any device that can send / receive calls or messages via WIFI / 3 / 4G or Bluetooth.
Specifically this means that students are permitted to carry mobile phones / devices on their person. However, they are not permitted to be used or be visible at any point when they are on the school site/during the school day*. The exception to this rule would be if a you were directed by a member of staff to use a device in lesson for identified educational reasons. At all other times, all devices should be switched off (not turned on and silenced) and not visible.
*the school day is defined as the moment they enter onto the school site in the morning to the moment they leave and remain out of the building at 3.10pm/3pm on Fridays.
Should parents / carers need to contact a student during the school day, this should be done via the main school reception and any necessary message can be relayed to the student. Equally, if there is a need for a student to contact home, this can (where reasonable to do so) be facilitated by the company team at break or lunchtime.
More information is avaliable on our catering page.
View the Summer Challenge here.
News & letters
Updates from the House Teams
Year 7 Year 7 has had a fantastic first half of the academic year, with plenty of achievements to celebrate! Our Year 7 Girls’ team claimed victory in their football
Year 7 History – Spring Term 2025
This term our year 7s are studying monarchs, religion and the later medieval period. The students will explore the nature of kingship in the medieval period following the Norman Conquest,
The Durrington Journey with Year 7
Our fabulous year 7s are now half way through their first year at DHS and have been chatting about some of their favourite subjects. Art Willow is a keen artist