FIRST® LEGO® League Sussex Regional finals 

FIRST® LEGO® League Sussex Regional finals 

The FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge tournament, hosted by London Gatwick at its renowned STEM Centre, took place on Thursday 13 February. An impressive fifteen teams of students, aged 9 to 16, from schools across the South East, competed in the SUBMERGED℠ challenge, all vying for the prestigious title of Regional Champions. Durrington High School were […]

National CyberFirst Girls Competition 2023 

The National CyberFirst Girls Competition is run by National Cyber Security Centre which is part of GCHQ, the Governments Communications Headquarters. This week we entered 6 teams from Year 8 into the competition. This national competition aims to inspire girls interested in technology to pursue a career in cyber security while breaking barriers in the male-dominated […]