Student Support

Our team of dedicated teaching and associate staff are committed to giving every student the support they need to reach their personal best.  Each student is part of a house within which they are supported by both their form tutor and additionally by a team of company staff including a full time pastoral manager, deputy house leader and house leader.  We pride ourselves on knowing each and every student and understand that they need to feel safe and happy at school to enable them to progress in their learning.  Sometimes this is as simple as recognising an achievement or positive contribution they have made to our school (or wider) community, at other times they may be finding their life hard and need someone to talk to and offer them objective advice or support.

In addition to our house teams of staff we have a wide-ranging team of specialist staff who work across the school community.  They are known for going the extra mile in support of individual students with more complex needs.  A supportive and proactive home-school relationship is valued, as is an open and honest dialogue with parents/carers.  Our student support is headed by Mr Fuller ( Deputy Headteacher).

Each house has a pastoral manager who works full time to help and support their students.  They can offer advice & guidance on many issues and also look after and promote attendance within their house.  Please feel free to contact them as set out below if you have any issue you need to discuss:


 Pastoral ManagerEmail AddressDirect Line
Year 7Mrs K Fullwood

TuringMrs C 01903 705647
AngelouMrs K Chesterkchester@durring.com01903 705627
AttenboroughMrs H Qazi-Killianhqazi-killian@durring.com01903 705607
PeleMrs D Morley

01903 705609
SeacoleMrs K Lawrenceklawrence@durring.com01903 705613
MalalaMrs Z Blackmanzblackman@durring.com01903 705608

For students who have additional needs we have two on-site specialist areas of provision that offer additional support.  Mrs Blight (SENCO) ( provides additional learning support where it is needed.  Mrs Wayne ( (Student intervention leader) runs The Boulevard Centre where students who have more complicated emotional or behavioural needs are supported.

Both areas have their own teams of support staff who are on hand to work one-on-one with students or lead group sessions on a specific theme. Access to either learning area is strictly at the discretion of the leadership team in school. All students who use the areas continue to follow a lesson-based learning timetable.

We have a number of student support assistants who work 1:1, or with small groups of students to support them and overcome specific difficulties they are experiencing.  We firmly believe that the earlier we can offer advice and support the sooner a problem or issue will be resolved.

We work closely with a wide range of external specialists to ensure that our knowledge, understanding and skills are up to date and therefore we are able to support our students as best as we can.  External specialists are used for case-discussions, specialist intervention work with individual students and, as required assessments of students.  This work/these links are not a substitute for outside agencies or provision, rather they offer a quick route to assessment, support or diagnosis when significant issues are proving to be a barrier to a student’s learning and progress.
We are always interested and seeking to expand out high quality student support provision to meet the changing needs of our student population; this includes working closely with a range of outside agencies and services as and when the need arises.


YMCA Youth Counselling is a community-based counselling service, able to support young people aged 11-18. Anyone can refer the young person or they can self-refer.

YMCA Dialogue offers face-to-face and online counselling, as well as group work, for young people aged 11 to 18 in West Sussex. Face-to-face sessions take place in Lancing, Shoreham and Worthing. Information about online counselling can be found on the E-Wellbeing website.

Email or call 07739 893707 if you are interested in receiving either face-to-face or online counselling.

Chat Health

Chat Health is a text service from Children and Families that enables young people at secondary school to reach out to the school nurse team to ask for help about a range of issues including confidential advice regarding bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses.

Chat Health is:

  • Confidential
  • Quick and easy
  • Anonymous
  • Non-judgemental

Text Chat Health on 07480 635424 for advice on anything to do with your health and wellbeing.  Or, go to E-Wellbeing website

Young People’s Shop (now known as The Chichester Information Shop)

YPS is a charity that offers free and confidential support for young people aged between 11 and 25 who are struggling with their mental health. We are based in Chichester but aim to ensure that every young person in Chichester and Arun Districts can access help and advice when they need it.

01243 839093

GP practises:

We have mental health workers based in GP practices in Worthing and surrounding areas.

We are offering free mental health support to children and young people, aged 8 – 17.

If you are worried about your emotional well-being, are looking for advice or would like to understand ways to cope, you can speak to a staff member at your GP surgery, who could refer you to one of our team. We can then help you with.

– one-to-one support, including face-to-face sessions, phone or video calls.

– After doing an initial assessment of your needs and creating a support plan, we would generally offer you six sessions of one-to-one support with an emphasis on working towards your goals

getting other support in the wider community. This includes linking you in with activities that might be beneficial for your mental health.

Worthing Counselling Centre

As a charity we ensure that no-one is excluded from counselling because of cost.

Affordable Counselling For You.

WE CURRENTLY HAVE A WAITING TIME OF 4 to 12 weeks, however do contact us and we will work with you to find the right support.

Funding: We have a small, limited fund available if you are in receipt of benefits or have a very small income.

Documents & Links