Staff List

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Year 7

House Leader

Miss S Vaughan

Deputy House Leader

Miss E McDonald

Pastoral Manager

Mrs K Fullwood


House Leader

Mrs K Fuller

Deputy House Leader

Miss A Cann

Pastoral Manager

Mrs C Busson


House Leader

Mr N Poole

Deputy House Leader

Mrs E Steele

Pastoral Manager

Mrs K Chester


House Leader

Miss B Clarke

Deputy House Leader

Miss P Leeming

Pastoral Manager

Mrs H Qazi-Killian



House Leader

Mr A Brown

Deputy House Leader

Miss M Lamper

Pastoral Manager

Mrs K Lawrence



House Leader

Mr G Challen

Deputy House Leader

Mr J Burgess

Pastoral Manager

Miss M Penny


House Leader

Ms S Trignano

Deputy House Leader/

Pastoral Manager

Mrs D Morley

Mr C WoodcockCo-Headteacher
Mr S AllisonCo-Headteacher
Mrs L AllisonDeputy Headteacher
Mr J FullerDeputy Headteacher
Mrs S TempleAssistant Headteacher
Mr J FrostAssistant Headteacher
Mrs K BlightAssistant Headteacher
Mr C RunecklesAssistant Headteacher
Mr J CraneAssistant Headteacher
Mr B CrockettAssistant Headteacher
Miss A HewettAssistant Headteacher
Mr M AngellDirector of Operations
Mr S BloomerHead of Art and Design
Mr S AtkinsHead of Geography
Mrs K Cooper Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs E IshamDirector of Performing Arts
Mr S BorrettDirector of Mathematics

Mrs L Wallis-Tayler

Mr T PickfordDirector of PE & Dance
Mrs C TaylorDirector of Business, ICT & Computer Science
Mr T WardellDirector of Science
Mrs J ChanECT Induction Tutor, Teaching & Learning Leader
Miss E HitchcockCurriculum Leader of History
Mrs R GaskellHead of SME
Miss E WadeHead of Design Technology
Ms J BradleyCo-Leader of English
Mr A TharbyCo-Leader of English
Mrs L AllisonScience
Mr S AllisonScience
Mr S AtkinsHead of Geography / SME
Mrs I BaquedanoMFL
Miss R BeavenEnglish
Mrs K BlightMathematics / SENCO / Assistant Headteacher – Standards and Inclusion
Mr S BloomerHead of Art & Design
Miss M Bloxham-ShellyHistory (maternity cover)
Mr S BorrettDirector of Mathematics
Ms J BradleyCo-Leader of English
Mrs J BraidwoodHistory / Deputy Leader of History
Mr A BrombleyPE
Mr A BrownScience /  House Leader Seacole
Mr I BrowneScience
Mrs P BuchananMathematics
Miss G BuddDrama
Miss S BuitenhuisScience Lead Practitioner
Mr J BurgessBusiness / Computer Science / IT
Miss A CannPE / Deputy House Leader Turing
Mrs R CarterComputer Science
Mrs L ChaitowPE, Casual Supply Teacher
Mr G ChallenSME
Mr M ChambersMathematics
Mrs J ChanScience / ECT Induction Tutor / Teaching & Learning Leader
Miss B ClarkeHistory / SME / Co-House Leader Attenborough
Miss E ConnollySME
Mrs K CooperHead of MFL
Mr J CranePE / Assistant Headteacher T & L/  Y10 / Disadvantaged
Mr B CrockettGeography / Citizenship / Assistant Headteacher T & L / KS3 Data, Progress and Intervention
Miss A CrossDeputy Leader Performing Arts / Drama
Mr R De GruchyDeputy Leader of PE
Mrs G EastmentHistory
Ms F FarahMFL Supply Teacher
Mr G FinchScience
Mrs K ForrestEnglish
Miss M FosterEnglish
Mr J FrostHistory / Assistant Headteacher – Curriculum and Culture
Mr J FullerPE / Deputy Headteacher / Standards, Behaviour and Wellbeing
Mrs K FullerPE / PE, House Leader Turing
Mr J GaffneyEnglish
Mrs R GaskellHead of SME
Mr M GassonPerforming Arts
Mr M GatenbyScience
Ms S GerlingsDesign Technology
Mr T GilbertMFL
Mrs S GillScience
Miss E GoverMathematics
Mrs C GrayArt & Design
Miss A GrimesArt & Design / Photography
Miss B GurgenScience Business Studies
Mrs M HardingBusiness Studies
Miss A HewettMathematics / Associate Assistant Headteacher / Co-House Leader Attenborough
Miss E HitchcockHistory / Curriculum Leader of History
Miss G HooleMathematics
Miss K HughesMathematics
Ms A HumphriesArt and Design Technology (casual)
Mrs E IshamDirector of Performing Arts
Mr B JacksonComputing and Business Studies
Miss R JohnsonPE
Miss C KellyMathematics
Dr R KeysScience Leader KS3
Miss H KingwellArt & Design / Photography
Dr M KyleScience / Deputy Leader KS4 Science
Miss M LamperEnglish
Mrs R LamingScience
Ms J LaposaEnglish
Miss Z LeeScience
Miss P LeemingScience / Deputy House Leader Attenborough
Mrs H LeneySME
Mr M LloydEnglish
Mrs N LockfordDeputy Leader Mathematics
Mrs A LoxtonBank Casual Supply Teacher
Mr E MarshallMathematics
Mrs H MatthewsLeader of English Y9 and the GCSE Media studies
Miss B MaughanPerforming Arts
Miss J McConvilleMathematics
Miss E McDonaldMathematics
Miss E MelluishEnglish
Ms H PaverMathematics
Mr T PickfordDirector of PE
Mrs L PoolePE / Deputy Leader for School Attendance and Culture
Mr N PoolePE / House Leader Angelou
Miss R PriceHistory
Ms L PritchardLeader of English Y7 & Y8
Mr F RahmanScience / Research School Associate
Mr T RichardsScience
Mr C RunecklesHistory / Assistant Headteacher/  Director of Durrington Research School
Mx O SawyerEnglish
Mr D ScottDeputy Leader Business / Computer Science / IT
Ms V SmithMFL / Deputy Leader Disadvantaged Students
Mrs E SteeleGeography/Deputy House Leader Angelou
Mrs D StoneEnglish
Mrs C TaylorDirector of Business / Computer Science / IT
Mrs S TempleScience / Assistant Headteacher
Mr A TharbyEnglish / Co-Leader of English
Miss H TownsendGeography
Ms S TrignanoScience / House Leader Pele
Miss S VaughanScience / SME / Y7 Leader
Mr J VenessMathematics / Deputy Leader of Mathematics
Mrs N UppertonGeneral Supply Teacher
Miss E WadeHead of Design  Technology & Food
Miss L WakelingMFL
Mrs L Wallis-TaylerPE / SENCO
Mr T WardellDirector of Science
Ms G WilksEnglish
Mrs L WoodEnglish
Mr C WoodcockGeography/Co-Headteacher
Name Responsibility
Miss L Adams Executive Assistant to Co-Headteachers
Mrs C Bailey Student Welfare Support and Office Assistant
Mrs S Baker Library Leader
Ms S Caldwell SIMS Data Manager
Mrs T Courtney Senior Finance Officer
Mrs V DaCosta Library Assistant
Mrs J Davis Careers Advisor
Miss E Dean School Office Administrator
Mrs J Dommett Director of Finance
Mrs L Edwards Digital Marketing and Branding Lead
Mrs C Griffin EA to DHTs & School Administration Leader
Mr T Henry Careers Leader
Mrs A Hoey EA to Research School & SCITT
Mrs K Linscer Receptionist
Mrs J Nanson Student Services
Mr S Norfolk Data Leader
Mrs K Linscer Exams and Admissions Officer
Mr D Riches Welfare Officer
Mrs G Scott Office Administrator / Reception
Mrs S Smith Finance Assistant
Ms L BartupStudent Support
Miss R BiswellStudent Support
Mrs K BoltonStudent Support
Mrs D DemetriouStudent Support HLTA
Miss M EmmimsStudent Support
Mr L EvansStudent Support
Mr J GrayStudent Support
Mrs H GregoryInclusion Leader
Mrs S HadfieldStudent Support
Ms N HalwachiStudent Support
Ms D HarwoodSchool Counsellor
Mrs Z BlackmanDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr E LambStudent Support
Miss R LorentzStudent Support
Mrs W LovettDeputy SENCO
Ms A MathieStudent Support
Mr R MurroughStudent Support
Miss A Nieuwenhuis (Miss Green) 
Mrs J O’CallaghanStudent Support KS3 Literacy Intervention
Mr A OstStudent Support
Miss E PatchingStudent Support
Miss M PennyStudent Support
Miss Z PowellInclusion Support Worker
Miss M RaynardStudent Support
Miss A RudramStudent Support
Ms K stearStudent Support
Ms K StrongStudy Room Leader
Mrs L Tunbridge AdamsDirector of Safeguarding / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Name Responsibility
Mrs B Addison Cover Supervisor
Miss E Addison Cover Supervisor
Miss T Murphy Cover Supervisor
Mrs S Tester Casual Cover Supervisor
Miss M PennyPastoral Manager Malala
Mrs K ChesterPastoral Manager Angelou
Mrs K FullwoodPastoral Manager Y7
Mrs K LawrencePastoral Manager Seacole
Mrs H QaziPastoral Manager Attenborough 
Mrs C BussonPastoral Manager Turing
Mrs D Morley (nee Savage)Pastoral Manager Pele / Deputy House Leader
Name Responsibility
Mrs S Baker Science Laboratory Technician
Mrs C Bourner Science Laboratory Technician
Mrs J Cross Food Technician and Teaching Assistant
Ms J Owen Art and Design Technician and Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Searle Senior Laboratory Technician
Mrs S Slater Design Technology Technician
Mrs M Williams Senior Laboratory Technician
Name Responsibility
Mr A Robbins Director of IT
Mr L England Senior IT Technician
Mr S Lowe Reprographics Technician
Mr S Doost-McNamara Apprentice IT Technician
Mr A Hogg Apprentice IT Technician
Name Responsibility
Mr M Angell Director of Operations
Mr D Hutchinson Estates and Compliance Manager
Mr A Matthews Site Assistant
Mr S Podgaiskis Maintenance
Mr J Phillips Site Leader
Mr D Rowley Site Assistant
Mr B Thrift Deputy Site Leader

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