Durrington Partnership Programme
Dear Parents and Carers We are delighted to announce that the Durrington High School Partnership Programme for families (DPP) will be launched next term. The programme aims to give families the opportunity to meet with leaders at our school about a variety of important topics. We value the input from parents/carers and have carefully selected […]
Durrington High School awarded the Core Values Trophy at the Sussex Lego League Regional Tournament
The computing department at Durrington High School took their first team to the Lego League Regional Tournament for Sussex Area held at Gatwick Airport. The First Lego League Challenge is a global competition for young people aged 9 to 16, run in the UK by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Durrington High were the […]
Durrington Newsletter 9 February 2024
Year 11 post mock exam newsletter
The year 11 post mock exam newsletter has been sent home to parents and carers and contains useful information on all subjects. To view this newsletter in full please follow the link below. Year 11 post mock exam newsletter
Year 9 Consultation evening 29 February 4.30-7.30pm
Dear Parent/Carer As you have already been made aware in a previous letter, our Year 9 Parent/Carer Consultation evening will run on Thursday 29th February The meetings are an invaluable opportunity that are designed to allow you to talk to your child’s subject teachers and discuss their progress. You will be able to start booking […]
DHS crowned Dance Live winners again!
Well done to everyone involved on another incredible performance, we are extremely proud of you all. A special thanks to Mrs Isham and the Performing Arts team for your dedication and commitment to our brilliant students.
Duke of Edinburgh expedition January 2024
We were lucky to have dry and mild weather when our fifty year 10 DofE students spent the morning hiking up on the South Downs. In addition to testing their map reading, they carried and pitched tents where they stopped for lunch and used their stoves to make a hot drink. Along the way some […]
Durrington Newsletter 26 January 2024
St John’s College Oxford – Inspire Scholars Programme
We are delighted to announce that we have entered into a partnership with The University of Oxford – St John’s College to become a member of their Inspire Scholars Programme. We are very proud to be one of only 30 schools in the south and south east region to have been selected for this partnership. […]
Platinum Science Legend Award
In order to gain my Platinum Science Legend award, I was asked to join Mr Morrice (my science teacher) in a Team Teach, in which I would teach some of a lesson to my own science class. To prepare, we made some slides for the slideshow that would be used in the lesson, including me […]