We are really excited to inform you about our work with regards to Anti-Bullying at Durrington. Over the past 6 months we have been developing our approach towards Anti-Bullying, as part of this approach we have completed whole staff training which is in line with the ‘Anti-Bullying Alliance’ a company which has been supporting schools by providing expertise on Bullying since 2002. We have also updated our whole school behaviour policy and created a whole school anti-bullying policy. In addition to this all staff have completed an online training course on Anti-Bullying. Assemblies have then been delivered to all students from Y7-Y10 explaining the seriousness of Bullying, as well as giving students the opportunity to become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABA’s).
Students that wanted to become ABA’s had to complete an online application then attend an interview after school. After this process we are extremely proud to have over 70 students as ABA’s at Durrington. In addition to this we have a specialist team of 16 staff who have completed extra training and are also Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, wearing the badge as well as the students.
These staff and students will now be the representatives for Anti-Bullying at Durrington, supporting students who feel uncomfortable and reporting any issues they see. These staff and students will act as role models for all others across the school every day.
As well as appointing ABA’s we have developed the ways in which students can report any bullying incidents that they see or experience. Students can tell a trusted adult at school, report to their year or house team, tell an anti-bullying ambassador or senior student, tell a friend who will then report. In addition to speaking to someone students can also email ABC@durring.com or put a note in the postbox outside the LRA and one of our specialist staff team will pick this up. On top of this there are also QR codes at every House and year group office which can direct students towards specialist agencies that can support outside of school.
Mr Poole – Anti-Bullying Ambassador Lead & House Leader of Angelou

Our new Anti-Bullying Ambassador badges
What our Ambassadors have to say …
“I want to make sure everyone is treated equally no matter who they are, or where they are from, and help prevent racism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination etc.” Poppy in year 7
“I want to be kind and helpful to others and make them feel safe.” Dominic in year 7
“In this role I would like to achieve the knowledge that I made a difference”. Kye in year 10
“I want to make sure people can express who they are.” Lily in year 7
“I applied for this role as I want to be a voice for those who feel like they can’t speak out.” Isla in year 10
“I love helping people and making sure they are okay which is why I am delighted to have this role. I am looking forward to helping out and I aspire to make a difference. Thank you to all the teachers and students that have helped us get to this point.” Olivia in year 7
“I am very much looking forward to this role, I love to help out, being on the team and making a difference is very important, thank you for choosing me for this opportunity. I can’t wait to get started!” James in year 7