Year 7 have had a fanatic introduction to music lessons at DHS by partaking in a Stomp challenge. Year 7 students have lessons as form groups and so not only have they been developing their musical skills but it has been a great bonding experience for them. Each form group created a piece of music using body percussion and some other everyday objects focusing on team work and developing ensemble skills. After several weeks of working really hard on this project each class was recorded and then, during the final week of half term, the classes listened to each other’s efforts and nominated a favourite. Music teachers also nominated one student per class that had gone above and beyond in the challenge.
The students were inspired by a video message from a former cast member of Stomp in the West End before they began to compose their own pieces. Beth Maughan, music teacher said, ‘The groups have been working so hard on this challenge and many of the ideas and suggestions have been brilliant. What is even more rewarding is seeing their team working skills taking shape and the supportive nature within the forms.’
The students had lots to say about this exciting project, Ruby Fullwood said she enjoyed the challenge because ‘we all worked together as a team and it all came together and sounded good’ Hridansh Kawatra was proud because ‘I was able to perform in time’ and Owen Skeel added he was proud because they ‘recorded it in one take.’
All the pieces were fantastic but the winning form, as voted for by their peers was 7MFo. Congratulations to the following students who were picked out as the student that had gone above and beyond: Callum Cummins, Effie Moore, Bethany Evans, Alfie Lupson, Jasmine Lawrence, James Lanning, Alex Wood, Joseph Waterer, Lewis Yates, Benjamin Casse, Ruby Fullwood, Milena Ramashkevich, Evie Retallick, Aaron Mott and Sienna Perry.