Our fabulous year 7s are now half way through their first year at DHS and have been chatting about some of their favourite subjects.

Willow is a keen artist and really enjoys how creative the subject is, she says it doesn’t matter if you get something wrong as the teachers are so supportive and the art department has a really relaxing atmosphere with great facilities and lots of opportunities.

Idris says he loves computing as it’s such a nice lesson and so much fun to learn. Idris really enjoys the micro:bits and learning about coding and says his teacher is really inclusive of everyone, and the IT rooms are great with easy access to so many different learning opportunities.

Zachary is one of our rising stars in our drama department having taken part in Dance Live, Six the musical, the DHS Choir concert, the KS3 drama production of Oliver the Littlest Elf, and is currently busy rehearsing for our whole school musical Mary Poppins. Zachary says the performing arts centre is a great place to practice and perform and the teachers are so kind as they give so much time to extra clubs and productions.

Georgia enjoys English, especially the creative writing lessons where recently they wrote a description of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Georgia says the fact that the teachers explain things so well makes it easier to understand. Georgia also enjoys spending time in the LRA as it’s a quiet place to do your homework or to sit and read.

Sonny enjoys geography and says the teachers are really nice and kind and he has learnt about extreme environments and places that are hard to survive. He says geography doesn’t just cover landscapes and nature, it covers the economy and money too.

William really enjoys history, as does his whole family, and he has been enjoying learning more about Medieval Kings, the Black Death and other historical events. He says history at Durrington is great and so is his teacher who makes it so interesting.

Bradley really enjoys the discussion in maths as it’s very interesting and he says the teachers are really supportive too.

Aanchal loves to learn languages and says it is so important for the future being able to interact with other people. Aanchal says the teachers are really good too and play games with the words we are learning to make the lessons fun and interesting which makes it easier to learn.

Tillie is one of our many talented sports players at Durrington and she enjoys playing for lots of our year 7 teams. Tillie says there are so many different sports to try at Durrington and really good facilities, plus the teachers are so kind. So far in year 7 Tillie has taken part in gym, rugby, handball, basketball, netball and football and is really looking forward the next year 7 match.

Theo is a very keen scientist and says he finds science lessons genuinely fun learning about gravity, doing experiments, and learning more about the earth. He also enjoys learning about medicine and says he finds it fascinating that adding elements can change the world so much.
Social & Moral Education

Elsa says she really enjoys her SME lessons as her teacher is so kind and thoughtful. She says sometimes it can be uncomfortable to talk about the topics in SME, like puberty, but the teacher explains things so well and puts us all at ease. We have fun to when we take it in turns to play ‘Ask Laura’, and we cover other important topics like peer pressure and politics and we are taking part in a mock election soon.

Megan loves going to Minecraft club and says it’s such a fun and relaxing place to go where you get to learn so much and build your own environments, as well as the chance to learn code, and of course chat and have fun with your friends after school.

Mrinal says that KAPP is really good as when you get a badge it makes you happy, and it shows you have done something for other people to help them which gives you pride in yourself. Mrinal also loves doing the challenges and says it’s not just about doing stuff in school, but outside in the community too, by helping others it shows your kindness and makes them happy. He also adds that if you feel like giving up you should always keep going and persevere with your reading, writing, maths and English as it will all be useful to you.
#Kindness #Aspiration #Perseverance #Pride