Year 10 Consultation evening 11th May 4.30-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer

A reminder that the yr. 10 consultation evening is taking place this Thursday between 4.30-7.30pm. We so far have over 90% of parents/carers attending, we don’t want any child to miss out so if you are in the remaining few parents/carers please book ASAP. The meetings are an invaluable opportunity that are designed to allow you to talk to your child’s subject teachers and discuss their progress.

We strongly advise that on the night:

  • You allow yourself parking time before your first appointment
  • You bring a list of your appointments or screen shot from Arbor
  • Stick to the 5-minute appointment rule to allow for a smooth running.
  • You may wish to bring a folder to hold any departmental revision sheets given to you
  • Bring your child’s latest report emailed before Easter to aid discussions and questions you may have regarding their progress.

Year 10 Mock Examination timeline and preparation

The formal end of year 10 Mock examinations are approaching soon.  Therefore, we wanted to share with you our timeline so you can be fully involved and support your child’s preparation in the coming weeks.  It is quite normal that each child will be doing 2 hours of additional revision per night and parents/carers play a vital role in ensuring this is happening and supported.  Thank you in advance for doing this.

Date Activity 
Thursday 11th May  Consultation evening  A chance to discuss your child’s progress and next stepsHow to focus their revision on for the forthcoming mock exams.

Friday 12th MayYear 10 Assembly Lead up to mocks How to revise Making the most of DEAR time with their tutor
Monday 15th May Lead up to Mock exams launch during P1 Students will be given revision packs and exam timetables How to revise sessions launched  
w/c12th June Practical mock exams commence Please see attached exam schedule here
22nd June Mock exams start – please see attached exam schedule
6th JulyYear 10 Worthing College taster day- more information will come out soon.
Thursday 20th July Mock results TP3  Results will be emailed home 
New year: SeptemberYear 11 starting right Mocks exam reports day (a chance for students to reflect where they are in the GCSE journey)   Year 10-year 11 Subject awards ceremony

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you and your child on the 11th May.

Kind regards

Steph Temple

Assistant Head Teacher

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Updates & Letters

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.