Dear Parent / Carer,
I do hope that you are having a good summer.
This is just a reminder of the start of term arrangements.
The first day for the year 7s is September 2nd. Students will need to be in from 10:40am for a formal start at 11.00am. They should come to the front entrance where staff will direct them to their company form rooms. As the start of term is always very busy, please could I ask that you do not drive directly on-site.
The day will finish at 1.00 pm so there will be no break and therefore no canteen service. Students will need to attend in full uniform. Please remember that skirts must be the Banner A-line version and shoes should be formal as per the uniform lists. Students will not need to bring their PE kits on September 2nd.
Last term, our IT support team invited you to join ParentMail ( Please make sure you accept the invite before the start of term as this will support your child in accessing the school catering from Monday September 5th. If you already have an account, either due to an older sibling or with primary school, you will not receive a link. On Friday, September 2nd, your child will automatically be added to your existing account or the primary school will automatically update to Durrington High School. You will also have been sent an invite to access Arbour, the school’s information management system. It is important that this is done before the start of term. If you experience any issues accessing ParentMail, or require additional support, please contact the IT service team on
The year 7s’ second day is September 5th. Students will need to be in ready to start the day in their form rooms for a 9.30 am formal start and the day will finish at 3.10 pm. From September 6th, they will follow the same timings as the rest of the school.
We are really looking forward to seeing everybody on the 2nd.
Warm regards,
Naomi Bridgeman-Sweeney
Transition Lead