Year 7
Year 7 has had a fantastic first half of the academic year, with plenty of achievements to celebrate! Our Year 7 Girls’ team claimed victory in their football league, finishing with an impressive 5-1 win in the final, while the Year 7 Boys’ Rugby team secured their first win of the season. Engagement in extracurricular activities has been outstanding, with 1,033 club sessions attended—Minecraft remains the most popular club, followed by Science Club and Rugby. Special recognition goes to 7ZLe for the highest club attendance and to 7RBe and 7ZLe for their excellent overall attendance.
Meanwhile, students have been excelling in our rewards system, earning 121 KAPP badges and 50 seahorses, including three silver seahorses this half-term! Looking ahead, we’re excited for the upcoming trips to Hampton Court, and before we know it, Year 7 will be preparing for the move into Year 8 and their new House! Outside of school, we also have some students doing some wonderful things; a huge well done to Elsa Cannon for securing the lead role in Annie, performing this week at the Worthing Pavilion Theatre.

As we reflect on Attenborough students work, attitude and progress this term, we continue to be incredibly proud of both individual and group success. We have students contributing in a wide-variety of in school and extra-curricular activities and we have recognised so many with Bronze, Silver, Gold and even a Platinum seahorse recently for Megan Neal. We have students who go above and beyond and we have had multiple celebrations of student effort with reward breakfasts for those with the highest effort scores across the year groups.
We are also incredibly proud of our top achievers who have been working so hard in all their lessons and our wonderful Year 11’s who are some of the most focused and determined students I have worked with. Going into RKE and MKY is a pleasure as all students are working hard, but most importantly helping and encouraging each other. We are all here to support them in their final months with us.
It also the time of year where we appoint our new SSLT and we are so proud of those who put themselves forward! We wish them all the luck with their applications and hope to see Attenborough represented once again in our student leadership team.
At this point of the year, it is always good to reflect on successes and goals for the summer term, whether that be a specific KAPP badge, an improvement in attendance or to go to a new club. I look forward to hearing (and seeing) what our students want to achieve next term.

All students within Angelou have continued to make excellent strides over the past 3 months. We continue to be one of the top houses with regards to student attendance, attainment and KAPP rewards. Some brilliant examples of this includes Tom K 9EHi who won a bronze medal in the Southern Area Reginal Schools Judo Competition, Zayaan B 10SAt who received outstanding feedback from careers day and Chiem G 10SAt who represented Sussex for Football and scored the winning goal.
In our most recent celebration assembly, we celebrated students in the house who had been in the top 20% of their year group for achievement and improvement from their most recent tracking point. We had a number of students who were within both categories, all of which are listed below-
8JBa- Chris C, Adela B & Hollie W.
9CGr- Sophie B, Beau B, Tianna A & Bella G.
9EHi- Dylan C, Jaden E & Delal T.
10HKi- Amara B, Lily A & Amy-Louise R.
10SAt- Zayaan B, William S, Poppie C & Emma F.
11RGa- Dylan C, Arfa M, Mary T, Rahela A, Toby C, Luca DG
11JOw- Darcie W, Ewan D, May H, Alfie B, Lucy C.
We are so proud of these students and the other 100 that were on at least one of the lists. Keep up the good work and we look forward to celebrating with more of you in the future.

The Malala leadership has been very proud of everyone in the house team since September. Malala has continued to be one of the best houses for attendance, attainment and receiving a high number of KAPP awards. The students hard work in receiving these awards has resulted in Malala currently holding the KAPP Cup – the tutors and leadership team could not be prouder!
We would also like to say a big well done to those students in year 10 who applied for the SSLT roles next year. A special mention to Imani and Jasper, who got through to the next round – we have our fingers crossed for you!
Our students have been recognised for some amazing work that they do inside and outside of school. Including those who are involved in the drama & music performances – good luck in your latest Mary Poppins production! Malala also has a number of subject ambassadors. We have some fantastic sportspeople who are doing great in their clubs outside of school and a special shout-out to Adam C for all the work he does in the cadets.
In our recent celebration assembly, we celebrated the amazing work that our students have done across this last half term. A big special mention to those students who were in the top 20% of their year group for their achievements and improvements in their recent tracking points.
Here are our students below:
Year 8: Jamie W (8MCh), Olivia K (8OSa), Poppy B (8OSa), Cash J (8OSa), Arthur S (8OSa), Elise B (8MCh), Travis C (8OSa), Mason F (8OSa), Caden E (8OSa), Harry W (8OSa), Jasmine Z (8OSa), James R (8OSa), Louie C (8OSa), Masie L (8MCh)
Year 9: Tilly C (9JBn), Aliyah A (9JBn), Isla S (9JBn), Luke J (9ACa/HTo), Zina N (9JGa), Freddie P (9JGa), Annabel C (9JBn), Lewis H (9ACa/HTo), Freddie M H (9JGa), Jennifer A (9JGa), Jack K (9ACa/HTo), Harrison L (9JBn), George T (9JBn), Evie M (9JBn), Pippa S (9JGa)
Year 10: Ben M (10RDe), Jess M (10EMe), Pavel S (10RDe), Thomas M (10RDe), Lydia L (10EMe), Nathan E (10EMe), Nafisa R (10EMe), Freya H (10EMe), Lena S (10RDe), Ruby A (10EMe), Harry C (10EMe), Rosie C-D (10EMe), Alfie B (10RDe), Imani M-E (10RDe), Elvis R (10EMe), Jasper S (10EMe), Tyler G (10EMe), James S (10EMe), Josie U (10EMe), Alexander K (10EMe), Daniel L (10RDe), Eddie K (10RDe), Rubie F (10EMe), Carys W (10EMe).
Year 11: Yisreal N (11DSt), Ellana O (11MFo), Joseph W (11MFo), Felix C-H (11MFo), Jess M (11MFo), Sima K (11MFo), Isabelle P (11DSt), Oluwasekemi O (11MFo), Kyle V (11DSt), Tabitha G (11DSt), Indiya L (11DSt), Ambrose Mc (11DSt), Jasmine L (11DSt), George I (11MFo), Lucy Z (11MFo), Freddie TM (11MFo), Jacob S (11MFo), Matthew R (11MFo), Lola D (11DSt), Charlie H (11DSt), Tyler E (11DSt), Harry M (11MFo), Lola P (11DSt)
Also during this celebration assembly the following students received their KAPP bronze/ silver/ gold seahorses. A big well done for this special award!
Bronze: Alex M (80Sa), Leeroy B (9JBn), Nathan P (9JGa), Hollie Mc (8MCh), Thumira R (10RDe)
Silver: George T (9JBn), Joshua L (9ACa/HTo)
Gold: James R (8OSa), Isla S (9JBn)
We are very proud of these students on this list and those who have been on at least one of the lists – well done and keep up the good work. Malala team is very much looking forward to sharing other successes and achievements in future assemblies.
Malala team would like to personally wish all the best to the year 11 students with their upcoming summer exams.
Here’s to the rest of the school year – keep making Malala proud!

Pele students have been making us so proud with their amazing achievements! Both Mrs Morley and I are really impressed with all of our students’ commitment to improving and developing regardless of their starting point. Here are some examples of where our Pele students have gone beyond their best:
- Ellie L has wowed us by landing the lead role in Mary Poppins—we can’t wait to see her shine on stage next week.
- A huge well done to Kristian B, who has become the first student to earn a Platinum Seahorse, showing incredible dedication to our KAPP values.
- George B has been working tirelessly, attending the most tutorials in Pele as he pushes himself to do his best in his GCSEs.
- Blossom M impressed everyone with the glowing report she received from her work experience at Laurels Primary School—it’s fantastic to see our students making an impact beyond the classroom.
- Meanwhile, Effie D is on track for Platinum Seahorse and Megan B currently on Gold, both an incredible achievement as they are both in year 8.
- We’re also looking forward to seeing Effie D, Megan B, Lilly M, and Amelia B take the stage in the summer performance.
- Year 9 Myles P had an incredible opportunity to meet Olympic champion Adam Peaty.
- We’ve loved seeing students commit to self-improvement in our latest Aspiration Challenge—special shoutout to Jade TW, who took on extra chores at home, and Patrik F, who stepped away from his phone to spend time with friends and get active for his mental and physical health.
- A huge well done to all 8 aspiring SSLT in year 10 for having the self-belief and confidence to apply for SSLT and to the four students Ryan D, Callum J, Daisy S and Kristian B who have made it through to the next round of the process. We are looking forward to hearing their speeches and hopefully having students from Pele as a Senior Student Leadership representative
Amazing work, Pele—keep it up!

Seacole students have been busy engaging in a variety of exciting activities! Our sporting teams have been excelling, with the girls’ football and boys’ basketball teams showing impressive performances, while both the boys’ and girls’ rugby teams also participating in successful tournaments. Year 10 students recently completed their work experience, receiving glowing feedback for their hard work and dedication. Year 11 students have been putting in a great deal of effort, attending numerous revision sessions to prepare thoroughly for their upcoming exams. Many Seacole students have also secured SSLT interviews, showcasing their commitment to leadership and making positive contributions to the school community. Special recognition goes to Year 8 student Jack, who reached the prestigious Platinum Seahorse Award—an incredible achievement so early in his school journey. Additionally, Seacole students have been active in the Half a Million Minutes campaign, engaging in meaningful activities to benefit themselves and others. One of the most uplifting projects has been the Seacole Positive Post-Its initiative, where students wrote affirmations and quotes, filling the wall in the Seacole office with messages of support for anyone in need of encouragement. Mr Brown, Miss Lamper, and Mrs Lawrence are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication shown by Seacole students, who continually go beyond their best, both in and out of school. We can’t wait to see what they achieve in the second half of this school year!

Turing House have had an exceptionally positive term with many successes. Lots of our students have represented the school in sports teams and have been extremely successful including the Y8 Basketball team and U16 Girls Football who have made it to the County Cup Final. It has been excellent to see so many students taking up the opportunities available to them with high levels of attendance across all extra-curricular clubs. These are a great way for students to follow their interest and passion in different subjects. It has been a pleasure to host rewards breakfasts for students for students with exceptional effort across multiple subjects. Those are:
8ECo: Maya B, Eponine L, Aimee M, Mia V, Kesha C, Alfie P,
8FRa: Megan A, Imogen J, Logan B, Jessica S, Henri W
8HLe: Williams O, Noah O, Hollie R, Dilara S, Shirin S, Poppy T, Scarlett G, Joe N, Violet N.
9GBd: Lenny Y, Rebecca S
9RJo: Theo B, Ella Z, Josh C, Alex W
10ACr: Reuben B, Max E, Hazel F, Ashton H, Melody P, Maisie R, Olivia Y.
10IBa: Ashlyn G, Nethini G, Olivia N, Emilie P
11KCo: Ethan A, Alex C, Isabel C, Scarlett D, Nyah H, Evie J, Cobi L, Jack S
11TPi: Andra C, Atipaishe C, Callum C, Bethany E, Alex L-H, Seyifunmi O
We are exceptionally proud of all of these students and look forward to welcoming more students to these occasions at future tracking points.
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