This term our year 7s are studying monarchs, religion and the later medieval period. The students will explore the nature of kingship in the medieval period following the Norman Conquest, comparing the expectations of medieval kings with the realities of what they did.
Year 7s will learn how expectations for medieval queens differed from that of kings, and how different queens challenged or met these expectations. The students will observe the fluctuating power of England internationally, as monarchs sought to increase their influence through The Crusades or the Hundred Years War. They will also engage with the concept of a civil war, learning about the Anarchy and the War of the Roses, to understand how the Tudor dynasty succeeded the throne of England.
During the second half of this term year 7s will look at Henry VIII and the Reformation. The Tudor period is undoubtedly one of the most studied and celebrated periods of history in Britain and the students will investigate the reign of Henry VIII and arguably the most significant event of English history, the Reformation.
“I really enjoys history because it’s fun and I get to learn about the past.” Harry in year 7
“I like history because you get to learn new things and find out about the past.” Skye in year 7
“I really like history lessons as they are so inclusive and everyone has the chance to explain their answers.” Tillie in year 7

Examples of year 7 work by Harry, Skye and Tillie