Year 10 Careers Day

On the last Friday of work experience week, we were delighted to welcome all our students back into school to take part in careers day. Careers day aims to start students thinking about their onward journey after year 11.

Information workshops were delivered by The Chichester College Group, Get Careers Confident, Plumpton College and our own careers team. Students learned about A-levels, BTECs, Diplomas, T-Levels and how these could lead on to higher education. They were encouraged to think about how to make good choices, how to explore all the options available to them and how the work they do now, as well as the grades they get in the summer, might impact those choices. A focused workshop on Apprenticeships explored what they are, how to get them and why they could be an option in the future even if they prefer a 6th form or college route now.

The most popular session of the day was The Job Game. Over 20 volunteers, representing industries such as finance, funeral care, automotive engineering and music spent time with students talking about what they do. Students were able to ask questions and volunteers were able to present to the groups about their job, their industry and how they started out. The goal of the session was to explore different jobs and broaden possibilities for the future.

The mock interviews were, for many students, the most rewarding part of the day. Businesses including Rolls-Royce, Nationwide, HOP Consulting, GSK and West Sussex County Council helped the students take part. Students had prepared in SME lessons and received structured feedback on their performance. Pastoral teams encouraged them to take part with some even going back for a redo. We loved watching them grow in confidence as they worked through the interview and to see them so animated as they shared their feedback with their teachers. In the final session of the day our brilliant SME team helped them reflect on Work Experience and have a go at writing their first CV.

Toby Henry, our careers leader said, “The day takes a huge amount of preparation, and it is great to see the students learning so much and enjoying themselves. The day is an important stepping stone to what they do next, and we want them to use it to help them make informed decisions in the future. Thank you to all the volunteers, careers professionals and school staff who took part.”

Feedback from employers:

“It is always a pleasure to be part of this event. This was the best year group I have been involved with. Everyone I interviewed managed themselves very well and really engaged with the sessions. From ski instructors to mechanical engineers through to hotel housekeeping the students all participated and I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. The students were a credit to the school.”

Bernard, The Travel Corporation

“It went very well. The students were very polite and responsive to the experience. Everyone knew where they should be, and the support staff ensured everything ran very smoothly. The students did you proud.”

Alex, Rolls Royce Motor Cars

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