Dear Parent / Carer,
I would like to take this opportunity to say how brilliantly year 11 conducted themselves throughout the exam period. They rose to the challenge and were a credit to yourselves and the school. Students will receive their results on Tuesday 16th January after an assembly with myself and Mr Crane. These results will also be e-mailed to yourselves on the same day, ready for further discussion regarding your child’s progress on Thursday 1st February during our Year 11 Consultation evening.
As you were informed before the Christmas break, we are taking a 3 week pause on our usual P7 Masterclass provision. Within this time, coursework subjects are running their own masterclasses on any night. The idea behind this is to give students time with a subject specialist to improve their coursework and their grade long before the written GCSE May exams commence. Your child will be notified if they are expected to attend. Our P7 provision will then re-commence as normal w/c 22nd January
Reminder notice: Yr. 11 Parent/Carer Consultation evening: Thursday 1st February.
The meetings are an invaluable opportunity that are designed to allow you to talk to your child’s subject teachers and discuss their progress. You will be able to book meetings from Monday 8th January via Arbor, more correspondence will go out later this week.
Reminder: Spring mock examinations for year 11
Our year 11 students were exemplary in their attitude and commitment during the mock exam period and have been a credit to themselves and the school. An important part of GCSE examinations is the regular experience of sitting papers in exam conditions. One of our successful strategies to support students in recent years, is to utilise our spring INSET days as part of their spring term examination programme. The full timetable for these exams is listed below:
Thursday 25th January – INSET
9am – English Language Component 1, 1 hr 45 mins
11.30am – Maths Paper 1, 1 hr 30 mins
Wednesday 21st February
9am – Maths Paper 2, 1 hr 30 mins
Monday 11th March
8.45am – MFL Mock Speaking Exams
Tuesday 12th March
8.45am -MFL Mock Speaking Exams
Wednesday 13th March- INSET
9am – English Literature, 2 hrs 30 mins
12pm – Maths Paper 3, 1 hr 30 mins
Thursday 14th March
8.45am –MFL Mock Speaking Exams
Thursday 21st March
9.20am – Chemistry Paper 2, 1 hr 45 mins (Triple) / 1 hr 15 mins (Trilogy)
11.45am – Biology Paper 2, 1 45 mins (Triple)
Friday 22nd March
9.20am – Physics Paper 2, 1 hr 45 mins (Triple) / 1 hr 15 mins (Trilogy)
For the INSET day exams students do not need to wear school uniform. All students will need to be in school by 8.45am and should gather on by the side of Sports Hall
During the short break between exams students will be able to sit inside in the maths mall. Once the final exam has finished students will be dismissed from the front and back gates. We would ask where possible students do not bring into school anything not permitted within the exam hall.
We appreciate your support with these arrangements and for the ongoing excellent support you have given to your children during year 11.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Temple
Assistant Headteacher