Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 10 Worthing College Taster Half Day

There are still some spaces available for the Worthing College taster half days on Thursday 6th July. Some sessions are full but there is a good selection still available. Full details for those who still want to book are in the attached letter.

A selection of other colleges also have upcoming Y10 taster opportunities. See below. If you are supporting your child to take part in one of these tasters during the school day, it is important you let the school know in advance via the usual absence reporting process. Students must be in school if they have any exams.

Note: You do not need to let the school know if they are attending one of the Worthing College sessions as we will have a list of bookings from the college.

Finally, a reminder that all these events are just early tasters only. A full set of Post 16 open events will start towards the end of September giving a chance for you and your child to explore all destinations of interest. We will release a list of these events at the start of Year 11. Project College, our launchpad to help all students get applied to their next destination will begin with a careers evening in September.

For any help with further education pathways please contact

Upcoming Y10 College Taster Days

Following is a selection of upcoming Y10 taster events. Other events may be available. Please check college and school websites for details.

DV8 Brighton Games, Media & Music 28-Jun-23 4:00 – 7:00pm Email interest to College – College link

Brighton Met Central Campus Broad Vocational 04-Jul-23 1:00 – 2:30pm Booking linkWhat’s on offer?

Northbrook West Durrington Broad Vocational 04-Jul-23 1:00 – 2:30pm Booking linkWhat’s on offer?

Brinsbury College Animals & Land 04-Jul-23 9:00 – 3:00pm Brinsbury Booking linkCollege link

Northbrook Shoreham Mechanics Vocational 05-Jul-23 1:00 – 2:30pm Booking linkWhat’s on offer?

Northbrook Broadwater Broad Vocational 05-Jul-23 1:00 – 2:30pm Booking linkWhat’s on offer?

Worthing College Mixed A-Levels / BTEC 06-Jul-23 AM Session See letter for details – College link

Worthing College Mixed A-Levels / BTEC 06-Jul-23 PM Session See letter for details – College link

Brighton Met East Campus Construction / Sport 06-Jul-23 1:00 – 2:30pm Booking linkWhat’s on offer?

Plumpton College Animals & Land 11-Jul-23 8:45 – 3:30pm Plumpton booking linkCollege link

Should you have any questions please contact the careers team via

Yours faithfully

Mr Henry
Careers Leader

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