What a team! We’ve heard some amazing stories about kindness within our community this week and we wanted to say a huge well done to each and every student who has recently earned a kindness badge.
We have also been delighted to see just how many of our brilliant students have achieved KAPP recognition over the last two weeks. Some truly exceptional young people and we are immensely proud of each and every one of them.
Plus a huge well done for the way year 11 have been working towards their mocks. So many of them are demonstrating such commitment to their studies and hard work both within and outside of school.
Gold Seahorse Awards
We were delighted to start the half term by awarding our first gold seahorse awards to four exceptional students. Congratulations to Callum Cummins in year 8, Bethany Evans in year 9, Olivia Maine in year 9, and Ruby Scrace year 11. They are the first students to ever be awarded a gold seahorse.

Callum Cummins was also awarded the platinum badge for kindness which was presented during the Senior Leadership Team meeting. As part of the award ceremony Callum gave a speech about the importance of KAPP and the Durrington way.
Co-Headteachers Mr Allison and Mr Woodcock were so impressed with Callum’s speech they have invited him to speak at the year 7 assembly to inspire others to make the most of the opportunities on offer at Durrington.
Franklin win the KAPP Cup!
Congratulations to everyone in Franklin, a fantastic achievement, well done to you all. It truly was a team effort to win the cup for this half term!
Miss Hewett – Company Leader Franklin

Maths students of the week
Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded maths students of the week, nominated by their class teachers for their continued hard work and perseverance.
Toby Keen Joel Goldstein Zeynep Gedik
Lillie House Charlie Harvey-Baker Melrose Kanu
Ella Haskell Kiarash Najarian Libby Grover
Monty Metcalf Evie Chatfield Stanley Chapman
Melrose Kanu Jem Alp Kiarash Najarian
Emmanuel Parkinson Freya Walsh Akil Ali
Fatima Jalloh
Mr Borrett – Director of Mathematics

Computing update
Female students needed …
We are looking for more girls in year 7 – 9 to join our very enthusiastic group who meet after school on a Wednesday and are making great use of the coding space in F26.
We are also planning a new club, the details of which will be announced soon so watch this space.
Mrs Taylor – Director of Business/Computing
Performing Arts update
Rehearsals are well under way for our whole school musical where we will be transporting you back to the 80s! Students from all years are attending rehearsals every Thursday and learning script, songs and dance routines, it promises to be an amazing show! We are also busy preparing our Dance Live entry and the school is filled on a Friday after school with students rehearsing our entry for this year.
We are also hard at work getting ready for our annual Christmas concert and carol service with drama club, choir and band all busy rehearsing numbers for our performances in December. We can’t wait to share the hard work and performances with you all.Early tickets for the carol concert on Monday 12th December (6.30pm) can be secured by emailing Miss Maughan – bmaughan@durring.com

GCSE Music students were lucky enough to attend a Steel Pan workshop with Jim Bernardin as an introduction to their World Music unit, they all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were particularly impressed with Jim’s Little Mermaid performance!
Mrs Isham – Director of Performing Arts
Update from Shelley company …
Mock trial
Shelley students Ayanda Mpofu, Oliver Mangoro, Oliver Hopson -Northam, Samia Hussain and Bobby Haggis have been working very hard to prepare to compete against several schools in a criminal mock trial at a real crown court.
There are three stages they have to compete in. They will be either acting as prosecution or defence and have a role they will be acting out with a real criminal
case. For example, Oliver Hopson-Northam is going to be the barrister and he has prepared real speeches and arguments for this. They will be competing against 3 different schools in 3 different stages (it’s a lot of work for them!) and are scored on this. If they win, they go to a 4th stage, then a national final in 2023! It’s a great opportunity for them and they have all worked so hard.
We wish them the very best of luck and know this will be a wonderful experience for them all. We are very proud of them for being selected for this opportunity.
Shelley student Scott Matthews competes at International Martial Art Championships
Congratulations to Scott Matthews who was selected to compete in the Matt Fiddes International Martial Art Championships that took place last weekend. He did really well and gained Gold in Boardbreaking and 4th in pair forms. Scott trains for a minimum of 8 hours every week and we are so proud of his enthusiasm and commitment to martial arts.
Shelley are so very proud of Scott and cannot wait to see what exciting things happen for him next.
Mrs Woodall-Jones – Company Leader Shelley

PE update
We have had a full on but exciting start to the extra-curricular activities and fixtures in the Durrington PE department. We have had an excellent turn out to both boys’ and girls’ basketball across all year groups. We look forward to the basketball fixtures getting up and running over the coming weeks.
Boys year 7 football, despite a loss in the semi-final in the district league, are still continuing to see success, remaining in the national and county cups. The year 11 girls football team made it to the final of the district league although, unfortunately on the day couldn’t quite get across the line with a 4-2 loss, with Tia Stone and Willow Exley on the score sheet for Durrington.
The U14 girls football are through to the final of the district league after beating: Davison, Angmering, TLA and Oscar Romero to finish top in the group.They then beat Shoreham academy 3-1 in semi final. Final TBC.
Huge congratulations to the year 10 boys rugby who saw success as they won the district league winning 5 of their 6 games

The year 11 boys football team drew 2-2 away at Seaford Head in the County Cup winning 5-4 on penalties! Goals were scored by Frankie Spiteri and Jack Trelfa. Players of the match were Danny Jordan and Joe Tapp. Well done team, a fantastic result.
Mr Pickford – Director of PE
Update from Coubertin …
I am so proud to be the company leader of Coubertin. We have achieved so much already this term; we have won the ‘Make the Minutes Count’ challenge and last week we gave out some of the very first gold seahorses ever at Durrington. Well done to Bethany Evans and Olivia Maine, we are super proud of you for achieving your gold seahorses. We continue to give out so many KAPP badges in our assemblies and we are currently coming first for the amount of badges awarded this half term. Keep it up Coubertin!
Mrs Poole – Company Leader Coubertin
Social media
Don’t forget you can follow all the latest news on our social media pages
Facebook: Durrington High School | Worthing | Facebook
Twitter: Durrington High (@DurringtonHigh) / Twitter
Instagram: Coming soon!
Forthcoming events
- Thursday 24th November – ex year 11 GCSE certificate collection
- Friday 25th November – INSET day
- Monday 28th November – year 11 mock exams commence
- Thursday 8th December – year 8 parent/carer evening
- Monday 12th December – Carol service at Saint Andrews
- Thursday 15th December – Christmas concert