It’s been a busy two weeks since we last contacted you with an update about what’s happening here at Durrington. Our students have been working incredibly hard during lessons, the BBC and a professional actor came to visit and our extra curricular clubs and activities continue to go from strength to strength. As well as that, we’ve also launched our whole school challenge. Read on to find out more.
Attendance & punctuality
As mentioned in our previous letter we need to stress the importance of good attendance and punctuality to school and lessons. Our minimum expectation of students is an attendance of 96%+. The odd day off, whilst it may not seem significant, really does have a negative impact on learning; something we know you (and we) are keen to avoid. We really do want to work with you to support your child’s excellent attendance. If you have any questions at all please contact your child’s company team as soon as possible.

Making the Minutes matter whole school challenge
A huge thank you to everyone who has been so positively involved in our whole school challenge this week. As well as the very important aspect of raising awareness and funds to contribute to the Pakistan disaster relief appeal it has been great to see so many of our school community coming together with a common purpose. Thanks especially go to Mrs Ward and the SSLT for all their work in the background to make the event such a success. Remember there is still time to donate and support the students/challenge:

BBC Workshop
Last week the whole of years 8 and 9 were visited by a speaker from the BBC who delivered a fantastic session exploring the joy and importance of storytelling. The talks from two BBC employees shared personal accounts of discrimination and bullying and importantly how they overcame these challenges by being resilient and never giving up. They also shared their successes and aspirations with students. It was an absolute joy to observe our students asked insightful and thoughtful questions about our guests’ experiences and their roles in the BBC.
Linked to this visit we are also really keen to promote to all students the opportunity to get involved in the forthcoming BBC Young Reporter Competitionwhich was introduced to the students in this session.
‘It is an opportunity for 11-18 year-olds to report on a story or issue that is important to their life or the world around them – it could be a personal story or related to the experience of family, friends or community, or about an issue or experience particularly relevant to young people.’
The deadline for the competition is Sunday the 27th March. All details can be found on the BBC website :
Good luck,
Head of SME and CItizenship
Ms Peach

Y9 MFL Cooking Club
This week saw the start of the Y9 MFL Cooking Club. Students made ‘patatas bravas’ (spicy potatoes) with Señora Baquedano and Señorita Wakeling. The smell was mouth-watering and all the students enjoyed making this classic Spanish dish and taking it home to share with their families. Next week the group is making crêpes (pancakes), which will no doubt be equally delicious.
Mrs K Cooper – Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Extra Curricular Clubs and activities
Well done to everyone that has got involved with the extensive extra-curricular programme that we offer. The highest attended clubs so far this term have been Football, Dance Live, Minecraft & Rugby. Please check the school website to see all the clubs that we offer and get involved with as many as you can.
Mr N Poole – Da Vinci Company Leader
Performing Arts

We have been very busy in the Performing Arts department. Lots of students were lucky enough to participate in our launch workshops with visiting professional actor, west end star and ex DHS pupil Alfie Parker. Alfie led students in a School of Rock masterclass (a show he was in the original cast for) and then supported students in preparing for auditions with an acting through song masterclass.
Lots of students have joined choir, Drama club and Dance Live and auditions are underway for the lead roles for Back to the 80’s. Students have been impressing us in their lessons demonstrating creativity, confidence and co-operation and we can’t wait for our trips to see Frozen with year 7, Othello with year 10 and the return of our show in a weekend!
Ms E Isham – Head of Performing Arts
Sporting Success PE extra-curricular activities have had an excellent start to the year with a superb number of students attending the clubs run by the PE department. A wide range of sporting activities have been available for students across all years to attend including badminton, basketball, table tennis, football, gymnastics, rugby and netball.
Last week also saw the first district sporting fixtures against other local schools. A few highlights include a fantastic start for the Yr7 football team, winning their opening fixture 7-1. The Yr10 and 11 boys’ rugby teams both won their local league games and an emphatic 8-1 win for the U14 girls football team.
Mr T Pickford – Head of PE
Forthcoming Events
- Thursday 6th October – Prospective Parents Evening (6pm – 8pm). All students will finish at 1.35pm (the end of P5). We look forward to welcoming Y6 pupils and their parents/carers.
- Monday 10th October – Y11 Art trip to the British Museum.
- Thursday 13th October – Y10 GCSE Support Evening (6pm-7pm)
As always, many thanks for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Shaun Allison & Chris Woodcock