Durrington High School Celebrate National Careers Week

The week of 7th -11th March was National Careers Week with a focus on ‘get curious about careers’ and students at Durrington were given many opportunities to do just that. With visitors from a range of employers and further and higher education providers, there was something for everyone. 

Each exhibition stand had activities to give students an insight into what studying or working with them would be like. The Worthing College sports team proved very popular with an exercise bike challenge, HMRC provided computer coding challenges and the Grand Hotel Brighton offered blind taste testing.

The careers team at Durrington were on hand each lunchtime with a job sector wheel which students spun to see what area it landed on. This was a great way to provoke a conversation about the various jobs available across a range of industries. In line with two of our KAPP values, students were invited to write down their dream job on an aspiration leaf and what they would need to do to get there on a perseverance water droplet.These were added to a plant and watering can image which provided a wonderful visual representation of not only what our students want to become but how they plan to get there. There were also tutor time activities and staff were encouraged to share their job pathways to encourage discussion.

‘National Careers Week is a fantastic opportunity to highlight the many different opportunities that our students have when they leave Durrington High. At the start of their journey with us we encourage them to think about the future and to be curious about the jobs they can see around them. Finding out about the options available can help raise aspirations and the programme of activities we offer during NCW is a great way to do this. I would like to thank all of the visitors that came to our lunchtime sessions and inspired our students.’

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GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.