Update to Parents/Carers -31st January 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for your support over the last week as we continue to manage the challenge of fluctuating case rates within both our staff and student body.   I write to provide a brief update ahead of students returning to school next week and confirm some specific short-term arrangements we need to put in place.  Thank you in advance for reading this email carefully and continuing to support us. 

1) Facemasks

With case rates yet to drop we feel it is very sensible to continue to strongly recommend the wearing of face-coverings at all times when inside communal areas of the school building.  We continue to regularly update our risk assessment and are purging the building with fresh air frequently during the school day.  Our continued approach is in line with the advice we continue to receive from WSCC public health.  

2) LFT testing

Please continue to do this as often as possible (very minimum is twice per week).  We will continue to provide testing kits (as/when we are able to get deliveries).  However the more we can all take responsibility for regular testing (whether feeling unwell or not) the greater the amount of cases we can keep away from the building/school community.

3) Online learning at the start of next week

Due to increased staff absence we are having to make the decision to put in further short-term adjustments to when specific year groups/form groups are in school and when we need to move them to online learning.  The following is the current plan for the start of next week and applies to all students in stated form groups/year groups.  If your child’s year group is not listed below your child is expected in school as normal (unless unwell).

(Students in 7JBu who had 2 days of online learning this week should attend school all week if fit and well).

Students working at home – live online lessons


All year 8

Tuesday 1st

All year 8

Plus the following year 7 tutor groups: 7EMe, 7PLe, 7AGr, 7BMa, 7JMc, 7IBo 

Wednesday 2nd

All year 7 (with the exception of 7JBu who should attend school as normal inc P1)

Thursday 3rd

The following year 7 tutor groups: 7TSu, 7SOk, 7MLa, 7NBr, 7MGa, 7PSl

Friday 4th

TBC – depending on staffing absence numbers

Thank you again for your support and understanding

Chris Woodcock

Head of School

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