On Tuesday 18th January our careers team took 20 year 8 students to The University of Sussex for a taster day. With GCSE option choices just a year away the aim of the day was to inspire them as they start thinking about which options they might take and what further and higher education options these could lead to in the future.
The students experienced three varied subjects; physics, media and engineering which gave them a great insight into what studying these subjects involved. In physics they learnt about the Webb space telescope as well as working in small groups on infra-red imaging and applications of science in the real world. In media studies they heard a mini lecture about how modern protest movements are presented across different press and took part in an activity exploring physical vs online protests. This was followed by a tour of the campus, a chance to sample the university lunch options, and finally an engineering session where they had to solve the problem of how to stop an egg breaking when dropped from a great height.

The taster day was a fantastic opportunity for our students to see what a working university does and what the experience could be like. We can explain these things in school but every year we hear from students who have been on trips like these saying that it has really opened their eyes to possibilities for the future.being able to give students this experience really does make a difference to their aspirations
Mr Henry, Careers Leader at Durrington High
Huge thanks to the University of Sussex for hosting such an enjoyable and inspiring day for our students, and to our brilliant careers team for ensuring our students are able to access such important opportunities.