Dear Parents/carers,
We wanted to provide a brief update of some key information prior to the end of term. A further, more comprehensive update will be provided in the last week of term giving more details across a number of areas.
Changes to national guidance/expectations – Covid 19
As of Monday 19th July, in line with the National move to stage 4 and education specific guidance, the wearing of face masks will become optional for both staff and students in school. Due to only having a week left before the summer break our bubble system and split timetable will continue until the end of term. We have also been advised that school-based track and trace will also stop as of Monday 19th July with the responsibility for track and trace will move to NHS team. We know just how challenging it has been for students and their families at times to miss educational time in school due to close-contact isolation and thank you for your support.
Term dates and timings
End of summer term 2021: As per published dates term will finish on Friday 23rd July. Students will be dismissed from 12.35pm onwards for the summer break.
Start to Autumn term 2021: For those of you who wish to make plans we can confirm that the start to term for new year 7 students will be on Friday 3rd September, they will be in school for part of the day on this day. No other year groups will be in school with students in years 8-11 returning to school in the w/c 6th September. Exact start dates/times and testing slots will follow before the end of term and be published across our social media and website.
Lateral flow testing
We have been advised that, during the summer holidays, there is not the expectation for students to continue to self-administer two lateral flow tests per week. However, should you wish to continue this test kits will still be widely available for use over the summer and can be collected from your local pharmacy or ordered on line. Upon return to school we are being expected to conduct two on-site LFTs with students, we will update you in due course regarding the consent and timing of this process which will be run by year/form group at the start of the Autumn term.
Thank you once again for your continue support and understanding. Please look out for the end-of-term communication in which we will provide further updates and finalised timings for the start to term.
Chris Woodcock, Head of School
Sue Marooney, CEO DMAT

Sue Marooney, Executive Headteacher, CEO DMAT
Chris Woodcock, Head of School