Dear Parents/Carers
The school will be supporting Comic Relief ‘Red Nose Day’ taking place nationwide this Friday by holding a mufti day to raise money for such a worthwhile and long-established charity. A link to the website which provided wider information about the day is below. There is also further information regarding the support that the event provides to charities up and down the country here.
Students will be allowed to wear non-school uniform, and are encouraged to wear appropriate sportswear but please note that dress must be suitable and appropriate to an educational setting. It should not be revealing or inappropriate in any form and it must not contain any form of offensive slogans or designs. Specifically we ask that students do not expose their midriff’s and that students do not dye their hair or wear fancy dress.
Students will be asked to donate £1 which will then be sent to Comic Relief and will be distributed to the wide range of charities they support. This donation can be made online via Parentmail, directly to the charity itself via the link to the website here or through a cash donation in school.
Those students who have timetabled PE lessons on this day are required to bring in their normal PE kit which they will be expected to wear during their lesson as usual. In addition, it is absolutely essential that all students wear face coverings and have their spare face covering on them too.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Fuller
Deputy Headteacher