School Reopening: Important Update

Updated information regarding the full opening of Durrington High School for all pupils: staggered by year group, beginning March 8th 2021.

Dear Parent/Carer

We are delighted to soon welcome all of our students back to school and are looking forward to having our whole school community back together. To ensure a smooth return, it is vital that parents/carers (and students) read through the information here, and all future communications, to ensure that the return to school is positive, calm and focused for each and every student.  

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday evening we are writing with the first of a sequence of updates for parents/carers and students explaining how and when school will reopen for all students (these are provisional plans and could be subject to change).  To enable the return to be managed safely, and in-line with the government’s directed testing protocols, there will be a staggered return organised by year group (commencing with year 11 on Monday 8th March).  For students in year groups that return later in the w/c 8th March online lessons will continue.  Further information detailing the exact timeline/days and timings will follow in our next letter.  In addition the school will need to cease the key worker provision from Monday the 8th March with students currently attending school joining with their respective year group’s staggered start program. The bubble set up, staggered start and finish times and staggered lunches will remain (more details to follow in the next letter planned for the start of next week)

Lateral flow testing

The expectation remains that all students, on their return to school and if consent is provided by a parent/carer, take three lateral flow tests within school. As a priority please can every parent/carer complete the lateral flow testing form (whether you consent or not) click here. The deadline for completing this form is Friday 26th February (this Friday) at 10am.


The expectation is clear that all students* wear masks at all times when in the building. This expectation now includes within the classroom environment during lessons.  Students are therefore expected to eat/drink exclusively outside of the building at breaks and lunchtimes (where they remain free to remove masks). Every student, unless already identified as medically exempt* must also bring with them a minimum of two facemasks (one to wear and others as spares).  This must be the case each and every day. Unfortunately an increasing minority of students were not bringing in their own masks last term which put others at risk.  For cost and environmental reasons we recommend re-suable masks.

* we would expect all medical exemptions to have already been declared and hence will reissue exemption cards to this very small number of students. 


All students are expected to continue with the existing hand-sanitising expectations.  This means they must take even greater personal responsibility for sanitising their hands:

  • On entry to the building in the morning
  • Whenever they move classrooms for lessons
  • After using toilets
  • After all social times

Equipment, uniform and personal presentation

Full school uniform is expected to be worn at all times by all students. The expectations in terms of haircuts/styles/colours and personal presentation remain in place and in line with guidance on the website.  Additionally, full DHS PE kit must be worn (and all piercings removed) for timetabled PE lessons. 


Unless a student is self-isolating the expectation is that they will return to full-time schooling. 

Actions required now please:

  • Check that your child has both a supply of personal hand sanitiser and a minimum of 2 facemasks.
  • All parents/carers to complete the consent for testing from (whether or not consent is given this must be completed by all by Friday 26th February 10am).
  • Please check that existing uniform (including formal school shoes) fits and if needs be purchase new items now so there is sufficient time for delivery/collection.  We have confirmed with suppliers that stock is available should it be needed. 
  • Check that school bags are ready with all necessary equipment ready for learning.
  • Ensure that haircuts/styles/colours and personal presentation conforms to the existing expectations (if you have any questions/concerns please contact your child’s company leader by Friday 26th at the very latest).

Please can all parents / carers discuss all of the information in this letter with your son/daughter, to ensure that they are  fully informed of the school routines and protocols ahead of the staggered return to school. As ever, our highest priority remains the safety of all members of our community and  it is vital that each and every student plays their part in this by adhering to the guidance outlined in this letter. We continue to appreciate your ongoing support.  Should you have any questions please, in the first instance, contact your child’s company leader.

Yours sincerely 

Mr C Woodcock 

Head of School

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GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.