Dear Parent/Carer
I am delighted to inform you that your child will receive their Mock examination results this coming Wednesday 20 January. The sequence of events showing how this will happen is outlined in the table below. As we could not have the assembly as planned, myself and Mr Woodcock have recorded a message we would like all our year 11 students to watch before receiving their results. We also would like to give all students the opportunity to talk openly within their form group, and therefore tutors will be going live at 3.10 in their form group classroom and will be able to support and guide students in their next steps.
Video message to Yr. 11: Mr Woodcock and Mrs Temple – (please copy link into a google chrome browser if not open automatically in Chrome)

Following on from Wednesday, we wish for all students to complete a reflective questionnaire, this will also give you the opportunity to request a call back if you so wish to discuss your child’s next steps on a 1-1 basis.
As we have mentioned before, the mock results are a crucial tracking point and are by no means their final GCSE grade. OFQUAL are currently carrying out a consultation to determine how the teacher assessed grades will be derived, however in the meantime, it is crucial that students continue with their excellent engagement to the online lessons so that they do not fall behind with their learning and can continue where they left off when we have the opportunity to welcome them back.
If you have any questions or need any support please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s company team.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Temple
Assistant Head Teacher