Dear Parent/Carer
We are really excited to share with you and your son/daughter the details of our upcoming #TeamDurrington Aspiration challenge for this half term. For the 4 week period commencing from 15/01/2021, we are launching a campaign for students to work towards gaining their aspiration badge remotely. Last term saw so many students making a great start, working towards achieving the 4 badges and aiming high for the seahorse. We are so proud of each and every single one of them.
The Aspiration Challenge will take place through curriculum area challenges, plus a Reading challenge set by our fabulous library team and will allow students to aim high, dream big and achieve. All challenges can be found on the Aspiration Google Site, shared with your child, and each challenge will take place over 4 weeks and be academically rigorous and challenging. The only exception to this is the Library challenge which we have extended to last until World Book Day on the 4th March.
The challenges will go alongside the work they are set during remote learning and remote learning should take priority. This is completely voluntary and please do not feel that your child must take part.
Each and every student in our school community will be able to choose up to 3 curriculum challenges. Students will not be able to opt for more than three due to the rigour of the challenges and completing their online work.
Each week, we will ask students to upload their progress so far or to submit the weekly challenge for the curriculum area where included. For example, if opting to do the Great DHS Bake Off, then students will need to upload their entry after Week 1 for Biscuit week.
The best entries in each curriculum area will be awarded an Aspiration badge when we return. The challenges will provide another way to push students to explore our subjects and keep them engaged and motivated. The best entries for each challenge will be recognised by the awarding of the aspiration badge when we return to face to face teaching.
Students can access the Google Aspiration Site here and students will also be sent a link to a Google Form to confirm which of the exciting aspiration challenges they will be taking on. This form will be emailed to their Durrington account and can also be accessed via their tutor group Google Classroom. You can also view the form here. Please note students will need to be logged into their school Google Suite to access the survey.
Let the challenges commence!
Best wishes
Anna Ward
Assistant Headteacher- Student Culture