In Computer science lessons this half term year 7 students have been learning about being a digital citizen. This has included introducing basic skills such as using email and cloud storage, but primarily it is about educating them in how to stay safe online. Lessons have been based around the 5 principles of safety from Google; brave, kind, alert, strong & smart. Students have used the Google programme ‘Be an Internet Legend’ to explore these areas and learn important messages about how to ensure they are safe when online. Key messages of being a positive presence online, thinking before you post, protecting your secrets, not assuming that people online will see you the way you think they’ll see you, and respecting other people’s privacy choices, were delivered via a series of games and characters. During the last week of half term the students tested their knowledge of the key principles by playing the Interland game. This has been a great way for the students to engage with such important messages and there are also many resources available for use at home, if you would like to continue this learning. We would recommend taking the family pledge which can be found here. Claire Taylor, Head of Computing, IT and Business, said, ‘The learning in this first half term is key for our year 7 students. We live in a world in which the internet plays a central role and so teaching our students to be aware of the potential dangers is critical before we move on to exploring all the fantastic opportunities computer science has to offer.’