Brand new sports facilities on schedule and environmentally friendly

The new sports hall and refurbished courts are progressing well and on schedule to be opened later this term. The team have been working extremally hard in all weather over the past few months to ensure we are in this position. The impressive structure can be seen from the Littlehampton Road but it is even more impressive internally. Covering the roof are 414 solar panels which were installed expertly by local company Bright Spark Energy. As a school and Trust, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Installation of this system gives us an excellent start, saving approximately 27 tonnes of CO2 per year and generating 110,000kWh per year of electricity. Matt Angell, Director of Operations for DMAT, says, ‘The solar panels are a fantastic addition to the sports hall development. A commitment to addressing environmental issues is something we are focused on as a Trust and it was therefore important to ensure all opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint are utilised.’ All structural work and the majority of the internal fit out is complete, the sports floor is the last major element of the sports hall with work beginning next week. With the internal viewing gallery finished the view and perspective this will give can be fully appreciated. Externally the Tennis and Netball courts are progressing well, along with the perimeter fence and floodlighting, weather dependant this area should be complete by mid-November. Once complete these state-of-the-art facilities will give the students of Durrington High School even greater access to year-round indoor and outdoor sport. Our wider community will benefit, enhancing access to high class local facilities enabling a diverse range of sports and activities to take place in the evenings and at weekends. We already host a number of clubs and organisation, this is steadily increasing. From January 2020 the community will be able to join clubs/organisations to take part in activities such as Basketball, Netball, Football, Fencing, Dance, Gymnastics and Trampolining as well as fitness clubs and evening classes delivered through Aspire adult education. It is a very exciting time and we cannot wait for our students, staff and the wider community to start benefiting from these world class facilities. You can view the inside of the sports hall on our virtual visit here Click through to the virtual visit, select ‘Our School’ from the menu and click on ‘facilities development.’

If you are interested in making a booking for these fantastic new facilities please contact

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